Friday, September 30, 2011

Meet Our Writers Week 9: Paroma, Children's Playground Official

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you? 

I have two blogs,

The first one is my book  review blog. I started it as a place to blog generally and to sometimes put up my short stories and poetry, but it somehow evolved into a review blog as I started relying on the net to find new books to read.

The second is for now a private blog where I publish my ideas for stories, novels, drama, etc. It's a pot where I like to leave my ideas to stew. It's nice to see the words published somewhere, even if it is a private blog no one will see for at least a while. It inspires me to write more.

 When have you started blogging?

Almost five years ago, but I wasn't very consistent and the blogs hardly had any views. But about a year back I started writing on the books I read and the online short stories that various authors put up. My view count rose with my regularity. =]

What's the theme of your blog ? What do you write most? poetry, book review or cooking recopies  short stories?

The theme: Stories- mine or others more capable of creating them than me. I write reviews, short stories, random scenes and poems.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

Other authors inspire me. Writers of popular genre whose novels sell but whose writing don't really get the appreciation they deserve inspire me. Female writers who persist in writing romances and some of who actually write quite good ones, inspire me. Authors of old whose works are hard to read but wonderful to debate late into the night, inspire me. Random plots swimming into my head in the middle of a test inspires me.

Does music impact your writing?

Sometimes music helps me bring scenes and dialogues into clearer focus while it  provides the emotions in the sound.

You are involved with bluebell book-The Book Review and Short Story Writing Challenge Blog, what is your role? what's the benefits of it?

Bluebell helps me reach out to a wider audience. I might not influence them in a great way, but at least I get to tell them what I think-- and they don't seem to mind my doing so.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

No. There are many auhtors and many books that make me happy, angry, frustrated or nervous- basically brings out my emotions. There are many authors who have my loyalty and many more I admire. But at the end of the day the only person whose work I must love the most has to be me-- or I'll never get my first novel finished!

Do you have a favorite quote?

I'll take heaven for the good food and hell for the great music-- no idea who said that, but I love it!

Any tips for those who started blogging ..

Keep at it, and find a theme you can stick to.

What's your writing plans?

My writing plans are to keep writing and then someday...que sera sera...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

very honest and amusing response, Paroma.

Thanks for sharing.

trojanwalls said...

thanks for introducing me to your readers. :)