Thursday, October 27, 2011

Story of the Week--- Short Story Slam Week 12

And, again, there were so many wonderful stories and poems this week that selecting the tribute author for Week 12 was no easy task!!

Thank you to everyone that participated, your contributions were a joy to read.

Join me in congratulating this week's tribute writer and recipient of the Thursday Writer's Bloc Award: Keith Hillman, for his wonderful piece,  Peace at Last.  If you have not already done so, please swing by and read his entertaining tale, linked here.

His witty take on this week's prompt kept me laughing from the first line!

Congratulations,  Keith!


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...
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Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

quite a wise choice,

clicked on the link, love it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lovely choice!

Kevin Routh said...

Awesome choice! Great writing Keith!

knot2share said...

Well deserved mention and recognition!

keiths ramblings said...

I can't thank you enough. This was my first go at Short Story Slam so it was totally unexpected, and I was bowled over by your kind words.I'm a great believer in letting a few other folk post their pieces before I write mine. By doing so I can see the direction that the prompt is taking my fellow writers, thus enabling me to head off on a completely different route. Again,thank you so very much.

Abby Fowers said...

So glad to find your blog. The picture of the cat sleeping is endearing! I love it! Thanks for popping over to my blog today. Can't wait to get to know you better. :)