Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday Poetry Reviews week 34:: Special News & Release At Blogging Land

Recently, news on poetry that are close to home keep popping out and make blogging and poetry writing more promising than ever…

First, a supportive blogger/poet has self-published his poetry book yesterday, on Christmas day, it is a collection of his selected poems written during recent year and this book is called

Summer Into Fall, by Steven Federle who blogs  at

It is available on NOW, please feel free to check it out and buy a copy,

Also check out his interview with Jingle Poetry at The Gooseberry Garden here:

Secondly, prior to this, a few well known and talented poets who blog and co-run poetry communities have a chapter book published in December edition at Willow Tree Press,
According to an announcement at WaystationOne

“Just released from Willow Tree Press, a poetry chap book, featuring Claudia Schoenfeld, Adam Dustus, Pete Marshall, Gay Cannon, Shan Ellis and Waystationone (hey that is me!) is available for purchase here. In the Presence of Poets, Volume 2, and it is my honor to be in the presence of these friends and word artists.”

Please feel free to check out the book or purchase a copy here:


Finally, I wish to feature a poem that is published at Punk Soul Poet written by   WaystationOne, it is a piece he wrote when he first met his wife, how romantic and sweet, read the poem below:

See his original mention here:             

On another note, I had a poem published in the December issue of PunkSoulPoet, which can be viewed here. It is on the night I met my wife and originally appeared here a couple years ago.”

My Name Is...   

i lied, the night we met,
telling you my name was Roman—
the anonymity felt good
after getting out of the hospital &
i was learning to breathe again—
putting my pieces back together
after breaking
but by the end of the night
i let you in, scribbling it
down in orange colored
pencil on torn scrap paper,
because it was all we could
find & when you read it
out loud & my name crossed your lips
i wanted to poke it back in
with my finger
because it felt
like home.

Check out the poet’s announcement in his blog here:

Good luck on your writing, publishing, everyone.
Have fun exploring poetry, talent, and poets today.
Happy Holidays…

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

uplifting news, poetry is cool.

Glad to see this happen.

Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

this is handsome to know....

best wishes.

Leovi said...

A lovely poem and a lovely place for poetry.