Thursday, December 15, 2011

Short Story Slam Week 16

Image Credit: Chance of Sunshine: Follow Rain Home

Welcome to Short Story Slam Week 16, Hope that you enjoy the freedom of stretching your imagination and have fun writing...A poem, a prose, or a short story is welcome!


Anonymous said...


write anything coming to your mind, and have fun with it.

mrs mediocrity said...

thank you, looking forward to reading much wonderful writing!

Becky Sain said...

Thanks for this opportunity, always!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks again. Mine is a villanelle, about rain after snow! A bit browner than the picture. K.

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for the invitation; it's inspired me to write a quick poem about rain and love. Looking forward to getting stuck in.

Anonymous said...

i posted a poem about a storm so bad, they could not get to grandma's house

Dawn said...

Thanks for the opportunity always :)

Marbles in My Pocket said...

I will write a story and post it tomorrow, but I obviously had to post this poem. It's a re-run to most of you, but it's a natural for this week's prompt!
Glad to join in! Happy writing everyone!

Guilie Castillo said...

Thanks! I'll give this one a shot, see what everyone thinks :)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

I tried one,
will read soon.

best regards.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we have a little girl in a tree recently? Maybe should have been a boy this time?

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Thank you for the prompt...


Susie Clevenger said...

Thank you for the prompt...I let the child in me speak in this one.. :)

Jeannette, said...

thank you for the invitation to write. i just posted one for a try...happy weekend!

The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...

eventually wrote one.

Thanks for the inspirations.


William Leed said...

Thanks for the challenge. This one was fun.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing.

Becky Sain said...

I got confused and posted another poem. Sorry. I've been enjoying reading all of these though.

artofstarving said...

Thanks for the opportunity to share. My piece is caught somewhere between poetry, prose, and something else. I hope you enjoy.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

have fun reading you,

keep it up.


Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank You Bluebell Books for the wonderful appreciation.I am so delighted. My contribution-hope its ok...

lonesomebounty said...

Thank you for the envouragement. Here is a link to the poem I wrote.

Anonymous said...

Have an awesome Christmas and new year xxxx

Grace said...


I thought I will try my hand in writing this for my daughter. Thanks ~