Tell us about yourself
I am a New Englander, born and bred!! I am an only child with ‘four sisters and a brother,’ my family since I was 16. I am a wife, the mother of a 25 year old who keeps me young, and am “owned” by two cats: a Siamese, and a stray that has recently “adopted” me!
Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you?
I chose the name ‘Inside Out Poetry,’ because my writing comes from “inside” my mind, my heart, and “out” to expressed. I wrote the following Haiku to illustrate:
From the inside-out,
the inner poet escapes,
needing to express....
When have you started blogging?
I started blogging in April of 2011. I had a number of completed poems, and my ‘brother’ had broken the ice with his poetry blog, which helped inspire me to do the same.
What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? Poetry, fiction or novel, or short stories?
I mostly write structured poetry, which is poetry that has a specifically established format-- such as Haiku, Rondel, Quatrain, and Triolet, to name a few. The structure challenges me to keep within limits of syllable and meter--it basically keeps me from “rambling” and limits excessive wording, which I so easily tend to do! Occasionally I will throw a Free Verse into this mix.
What are the inspirations of your writing?
My inspiration comes mainly from the all of the people, places and things that I’ve experienced or that touch my life, though many are not be personally about me. For example, I do not suffer from depression, but have experienced some sad and dark moments in my life. I have drawn and expounded on this in some of my poems. And all marriages have highs and lows. From my experience, I can certainly pull from both to express in my poetry. Sometimes a current event will inspire me, or a past event remembered. And some inspiration comes simply from photo prompts or images. Writing is great ‘therapy’ too. It saw me through losing my job of 18 years, and 2-1/2 years of job searching by helping me to release my pain, anger and frustration.
Does music impact your writing?
Not directly, however I do have a great appreciation for the poet/lyricists of my lifetime such as Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, John Denver and many more.
You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge? How do you feel about it so far? What's the benefits of it?
Bluebell Books Short Story Slam has been a wonderful source of inspiration! It challenges me to exercise my skills and creativity with each new picture prompt that’s shared. And it gives me the chance to read and be inspired by the talent of other writers and poets who share their posts.
Do you have a favorite blogging friend to share? Tell us about his/her blog link and the writing in it!
I know many so amazing poets and writers, but choosing just one, I would like to share my ‘brother’ and dear friend Charlie Parant’s blog site: Appetite For Words at:
Charlie is an amazing writer who takes his inspiration from people, emotions, nature, and current events--so many different topics. His poetry is unique, witty, sometimes acerbic, and always interesting. You will not find pretty pictures on his site; he is all about the written word. His writing has been a source of great inspiration to me; I have him to thank for encouraging me in my writing and the sharing of my work.
Do you have a favorite book or author?
My favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien. I read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy many years ago just out of High School, and have re-read it several times since. Tolkien’s writing is extremely detailed and intricate, each and every character is unique and interesting. He not only encompasses the classic “good against evil” tale, but he created and incorporated new languages, songs, poetry, written languages--the body of his work as a whole is incredible when you think about it.
Do you have a favorite quote?
My favorite quote is by a poet and writer that lived just a few miles from where I currently live, Theodor Geisel, better known as “Dr. Seuss”:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"
For me, these are words to live by. So often we worry so much about what others think of us, that we fail to express ourselves or become who we are meant to be.
Any tips for those who started blogging and wish to become successful in it.
I have three tips to offer:
1) Write from your heart, but remember once your words are posted to the Internet, they are there for the world to see. Be aware of what you share.
2) Be willing to accept both praise AND criticism, especially constructive criticism, as it will only help to hone your skills and get better at what you do. From experience, this is tough to do, because our egos crave the praise, and criticism always feels so darn personal!
3) Enjoy and have fun sharing your work on your blog. It’s not just about perfect form or content, but also about being able to express yourself and share that expression with others. Invite others to follow your site if they like what they read!
What's your writing plans in the near future?
I am still just a fledgling writer stretching my wings! There are so many wonderful poets and writers who inspire me, and who’s work I aspire to. I plan to continue writing, learning, honing my skills, and hope that perhaps some of my words and poetry might inspire others as I have been inspired.