Friday, October 5, 2012

Meet Our Writers Week 31 on Dawn

Dear Team,

Thank you for giving this opportunity.
I have tried to answer below to all the questions.
Cheers and Keep Rocking


 Tell us about yourself

 -  I am a crazy person when it comes to moon, music and mother nature. Besides all this I do work for a virtual company in the Silicon Valley of  Bay Area (California) and contribute as an analyst and project manager for projects.

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you? 

 -  I have currently two blogs:  (English Blog - Dawn) - My name Usha means Dawn in English and hence the name.  (Hindi poetry blog - Sehar (Dawn) and my pen name is Fiza (Nature))

As a kid I started writing diary and as I grew up it took the form of blog writing. I write what I feel from heart. Good or bad the experience are from real life and hence you will see the emotions are real and it will touch your heart if you spend time to read. When I blog, its like talking to myself and you can make out how writing is part of my breathing.

When have you started blogging?

 - Blogging I started in 2005

What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, fiction or novel, or  short stories?

 - As I mentioned above I have two blogs (  (English Blog - Dawn &  (Hindi poetry blog - Sehar (Dawn) ), and I write prose and poetry in English and in Hindi I write only poetry.
My theme is mostly on mother nature, reality about love, life and how we all can be happy and loving to each other.

In the past I have written movie reviews as well... but lately due to lack of time and loads of work, I have found to express myself in poetry.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

 -  Mother nature is one of the biggest inspirations for me - when I see those mountains in front of my house, or the deers walking around in my neighborhood and at night when I see that shiny moon up in the blue sky surrounded by twinkling stars, my heart unknowingly falls in love with that moment and the expressions comes out in my writing. I make love with my emotions, feelings and writings.

You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge? How do you feel about it so far? What's the benefits of it?

 - Yes, actually it's been more than a year it seems. I was introduced to Bluebell Books by a friend and I felt my lack of time issue was solved. The best part is that we get a topic to write upon and there is no restriction as what we write - it can be a poetry, short story, fiction you name it. The freedom with a bow I will say :) as I dont have to look around to find a topic but just start writing about it. I enjoy and look forward to Bluebell emails.
The benefit of this is that you get to read other poets too. The way people think differently on a same topic or one topic, that many of us try to attempt. You get to make more blogging friends too. It creates and increases the network of writers - a healthy community that we join in.

Do you have a favorite blogging friend(s) to share? Tell us about his/her blog link and the writing in it!

 - I have many blogger friends whom I visit and read. I do not have one specific to call and leave the rest as I share very close relationship with most of the bloggers. I will have to give all of their's :)
However there is one whom I love to read as it comes from heart... his name is Jeevan (means Life) and he is an inspiration to all or many.
He writes on everything - you name it whether its nature, pain, life, travel or movie.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

 - Alchemist is my favorite book and the author Paulo Cohelo. I think he is today's writer and his thoughts inspire me.

What's your writing plans in the near future?

 - I have published one Hindi Poetry Book "Khwabon Ki Zameen" (Land of Dreams ) - ISBN # 978-81-8465-048-8 and its 2nd part is in progress for publication. I have written a book in English with the experience from a Call Center to Corporate World - If you decide to move on and reach the sky, you can. This one is in it's editing phase.


Anonymous said...

have fun writing, Dawn.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

great response.

Anonymous said...

keep it up.