Friday, October 12, 2012

Meet Our Writers Week 32 on Paulo Guimaraes

 Tell us about yourself

I reside in the Bronx, NY with my mother and my daughter. I work in a homeless shelter in the evenings, while taking some time to write in between. I have written poetry since high school, as a way to escape the hardships I faced because of bullying, and as a vehicle for my emotional states. Poetry is therapy! I also enjoy other artistic vehicles such as painting, drawing, collages, and photography.

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you?

My blog is titled, "Buddha's World of the Arts." I chose that title because i give all my viewers a taste of the art world through personal projects, links for online galleries, links for online art magazines, and pages with videos, famous poets/artists, and more! The Buddha in the title stands for a nickname given to me back in my 20s.

When have you started blogging?


What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, fiction or novel, or  short stories?

 As I stated above, the Arts. I mostly write poetry, especially haiku and senryu. I enjoy the short form and, the challenge to express deep meaning in such a small format.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

The world inspires me, the people, objects, occurrences. And occasionally, something deep in the subconscious springs forth for creation!

You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge? How do you feel about it so far? What's the benefits of it?

 Yes, I enjoy meeting many wonderful poets and have fun with the challenging themes each time. That of course is when I decide to join for the week, lol. I can get lazy with my attendance.

Do you have a favorite blogging friend(s) to share? Tell us about his/her blog link and the writing in it!

 The Meta Bard (Marcin Kuhn)- His blog has a good mix of topics from: art, poetry, politics, you name it. 

Do you have a favorite book or author?

I loved Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, but no one in particular.

What's your writing plans in the near future?

 Well, I have two Ebooks and two paperback books available, so I will just keep on writing until no one cares anymore, lol!!