Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet Our Writers Memorial Day Pick: on E. A. S. Demers

Tell us about yourself

Hi, I'm e.a.s demers----  bookseller by day, book writer by night!

I'm originally from Memphis, TN and now live just outside Little Rock, AR. 

I've been a manager at a big chain bookstore for about 5 yrs, and have worked in the retail half of the book industry for about 8 yrs. I graduated college with a Biology degree. And, before that, spent most of my high school years and childhood studying music. I guess I had a hard time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. 

The one constant, throughout everything however, has always been writing. For me, it was the easiest way to express my thoughts and feelings. So, now, I am aspiring author with hopes of one day seeing my thoughts in print. 

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you? 

I currently have two blogs: 

From the Inkwell, From the Vein... -- This is my main blog. The title comes loosely from the idea that all you have to do to write is open a vein.... 

Humphrey's Typewriter --  This is an experimental blog that I've recently started. The title comes from the very first NaNoWriMo I participated in. My NaNo mentor suggested I give my inner editor/critic a name, so it would be easier to ignore/silence them! Thus, Humphrey was born. I suppose he's my alter ego, or at least my alter something.

When have you started blogging?

I started blogging in 2007, but I've really only been actively blogging the last year or so.

What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, book review or cooking recopies  short stories?

The theme of my main blog centers around writing... what I'm working on, maybe some poetry, what's happening around me, etc. I wanted to use it as a way to connect to other writers/readers who might want a fellow writer/reader companion.  

My experimental blog is still a work-in-progress, so for the moment, I'm just testing the water.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

Can I say everything? 

There is potential in every facet of life. That's the coolest thing about writing, everything matters. Even the smallest things are important. I can hear the start of a short story in the rain falling outside my window. Or, catch the glimpse of a poem in the way a woman folds her husband's shirt.

Does music impact your writing?

Yes it does. Though I find, if I'm working on something that I really need to concentrate on, the piece must be instrumental. Otherwise, I find myself singing along instead of writing. 
I find it very beneficial to listen to powerful soundtracks, especially from dramatic scenes in films. When I want to write an emotionally powerful scene-- suddenly the scene in my story plays out like a movie inside my mind.

You are involved with bluebell book-The Book Review and Short Story Writing Challenge Blog, what is your role? what's the benefits of it?

My role as part of the Short Story Slam is to select the "Story of the Week". I love participating. It is such a pleasure to read through everyone's contributions and to connect with such amazing writers! I wish I could pick every story as the "Story of the Week".

Do you have a favorite book or author?

Oh, I have so many favorites... Some of my top authors are, Tolkien, Dickens, Paul Auster, Neil Gaiman, Joyce Carol Oates, J.K. Rowling

Some of my top books are, The Lord of the Rings, Shadow of the Wind, The Book of Illusions, Harry Potter series, The Book Thief 

Do you have a favorite quote?

I have 2, both of which are featured on my main blog---

"Let me be brave, and let me, while I craft my tales, be wise. Let me say true things, in a voice that is true, and with the truth in mind, let me write lies."--- Neil Gaiman 

"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." --- Henry James

Any tips for those who started blogging …

My only tips for those starting out in the blogosphere....  Write about what you love. Write about the things you are passionate about. But, most importantly---Have fun!

PS:  e. a. .s. Demers is an active participant to Bluebell Books short story slams, she is an official doing story of the week, we are excited to have her grace our place today, her insights and thoughts are gem to us!  Happy Thursday!

Memorial Weekend Special: Story of the Week on Short Story Slam Week 21

Good morning, Stellar Writers at the Blogging Land:

It has been long since we did short story slams due to our Love in Creativity Project,  today, I decide to Do 

story of the week on Week 21, picking Steven’s Life Itself as the winner…enjoy!

Dark rain penetrates
tender leaves, swells spirits, sparks
dormant roots to life.
Like a god, Your star
ascends; with wonder and grace
shines Your mighty face! 

Read Our Short Story Slam Submission below  Week 21:

Our Season long Flash Friday 55 word story is still open for submission, please check it out below:
Submit and read, you may like it once you achieve it…

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Keep Writing, Keep sharing!

Image Credit:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello beautiful Bluebell readers!

School is almost out in some parts of the world and as we slip into soon to be summer, maybe you need a good beach read?

Something to let something besides your tan sizzle a bit?

Something to do while the kiddies splash in the wading pool in the backyard?

Well I have something special for you....

This weeks featured poet is Jill Bialosky.

a powerful sequence of poems that probes the subterranean depths of eros. Gerald Stern has called Bialosky "the poet of the secret garden, the place, at once, of grace and sadness," and here she enters that garden again, blending the classical with the contemporary in bold considerations of desire, fertility, virginity, and childbirth. Written against the idealizations of romantic love and motherhood, she tells of the loss of one child and the birth of another, the fierce passions of life before children, the seductions of suicide, and the comforts of art. Throughout, she braids and unbraids the distinct yet often inseparable themes of motherhood, love, and sexuality. "When he comes to me," she writes,

half-filled glass
in his hand, wanting
me to touch him, I hear
you stir in your crib. I know what your body
feels like.
The soft skin of a flower, not bruised, not yet
in torment...

Subterranean is the moving and intimate account of the emergence of a female psyche. Like the figures of Persephone and Demeter, who appear in various forms in these poems, Bialosky finds a strange beauty in grief, and emerges from the realms of temptation with insight and distinction.
This is a great early summer sensual treat. Ethereal and dreamy perfection.  
Her collections of poems are Subterranean, Intruder and The End of Desire. Bialosky is also the author of the novel House Under Snow (2002) and The Life Room (2007) and co-editor, with Helen Schulman, of the anthology Wanting A Child (1998).

Check out more at her website:

Enjoy your week and see you back here soon!
