Tuesday, February 2, 2016

story of the week 37, Emanita and k shawn edgar

 Emanita  is one story teller who often believes that a true story with some
icyling is better, and her tale does tag tents, the theme,

of course, we also including a youtube post by k shawn edgar, and thanks

check out the movie clip here:

Madrid Elements Edwin Meek Brown Edgar

here is the story posted by Emanita, written by Anita Bailey

Bluebell Books’ Short Story Slam Week n° 37

The Bluebell Book’s short story slam week 37got me sparked to write-up a rough short story. Before procrastination steps in, I decided to post it as is.
So, here we go:

Camping Confidence Canned

By M. Anita Bailey for the Bluebell Book’s Short Story Slam Week n° 37

My friend David  has a wonderful home with lovely back yard. As I live in an apartment building, on an upper level, being in such a yard always makes me homesick for my mother’s place back in the States. For some reason David’s yard also made me nostalgic about camping.
Across the years, I’ve always been drawn to the idea of camping out in greener spaces. I did go camping as a teen, and even once in later years, after I moved to Europe.
Yet, now I feel an underlying fear any time ideas of camping alone cross my mind. As a woman who used to eagerly embrace the idea of solitary camping experiences in exotic places, it’s awfully bizarre to feel that I can’t seem to muster up courage to do so today. Even the very THOUGHT that I would HAVE to muster up my courage is bizarre.
Oh, I still have my one-person tent that I bought about five years ago and some of my other camping gear is still pretty functional, like my sleeping bag and its protection mat. But in today’s world I’m pretty reluctant to plan a camping trip even with friends.
Funny though, one day, last summer, my friend David asked me to housesit for a couple of weeks. After the first week, an overwhelming urge to camp in his back yard began to blossom. My soul seemed to long for the garden as Rapunzel’s mother must have longed for the salad that grew in the garden that belonged to her next door neighbor (yeah, I know it was the witch’s garden, but not everybody else may know it! LOL).
When I asked if, one of these days, he would allow me to pitch a tent in his garden David was really surprised. He told me he’d prefer that I sleep in the comfort of his home as a house guest. But once I explained my camping anxieties, he readily agreed.
The picture you posted of the camouflage tent sent my mind flying back to David’s garden.
Even though it’s winter here, I think I’ll just give him a quick call.
You never know, maybe I’ll have my tent pitched by early evening!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

way to go.

Anonymous said...

excellent pick, smiles.

Emanita01 said...

Thank you for appreciating my story <3