Tuesday, January 3, 2017

story of the week, at Scott Watson post, stay cheerful, and Happy Birthday to Justin Komng

short story slam week 59, hopeful tomorrow 

regardless what you think,

we are happy folks,

we laugh at the day

we tease at the mad cows

we sing music to empty sky

we say

Enjoy a Beautiful Earth

Happy Birthday to Justin Komng

a grandfather alike

he is a wit

that roots for approval

yet plant lots of rose, peony, rue, buttercups, and daisy 

for all to smile at!

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 Image result for happy 49 birthday jiahongImage result for happy 49 birthday jiahong

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Anonymous said...

happy Birthday to
those who was born on January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...
