Tuesday, April 25, 2017

story of the week 66, a to z in april, winner is temenos blog,

2017 Participation Badge! Temenos - Deborah Weber


2017: U is for…

Writing my way through the A-to-Z blogging challenge, I’ve tasked myself with exploring the concepts of pronoia (the belief that the universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings), quiety (serenity) and peace –  all through the lens of unusual, obscure, or simply delightful-to-me words. U is for… umbfold – an archaic word from the 1400s […]
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2017: T is for…

Writing my way through the A-to-Z blogging challenge, I’ve tasked myself with exploring the concepts of pronoia (the belief that the universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings), quiety (serenity) and peace –  all through the lens of unusual, obscure, or simply delightful-to-me words. T is for… translunary. Translunary has a number of definitions including:  […]
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2017: S is for…

Writing my way through the A-to-Z blogging challenge, I’ve tasked myself with exploring the concepts of pronoia (the belief that the universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings), quiety (serenity) and peace –  all through the lens of unusual, obscure, or simply delightful-to-me words. Happy Earth Day! S is for… Smultronställe.  This beautiful Swedish word […]
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Anonymous said...

thanks for posting in your beautiful blog.

Deborah Weber said...

Thank you for the kind shout out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
