Tuesday, March 5, 2019

story of the week on 109...zachary bouge

short story slam week 109, zachary bouge

Wordle 392  


maybe the wormhole is full
since there is a sudden rain
none of us can decide anything in Heaven
yet we do ride on a high speed train
crossing lots of valley and green hills
simply giggling
a bright robin sits next to vial, washington state,
some cars swish by
titheing and tilting some unknown frowns
markshen likes to laugh
a photo of nancy davis, connie stiegler, abbey wood can be funny
jing hu and kevin join some party
their movie of tang yan and zhong hanliang seem fine


Anonymous said...

it is a writing for a different prompt,
which makes the story very unique.

Unknown said...


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

award winning.