Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Book Review: A Wish and a Prayer

A Book Review by Author and Editor-in-Chief of My Light Magazine Jennifer Gladen

A Wish and a Prayer
By Beth Bence Reinke

ISBN-10: 9780982642313
ISBN-13: 978-0982642313

Blurb:  When Jason's parakeet flies out the window and is lost, he wishes on various objects in hopes of bringing his pet home. But is there something better than wishing? A story that gently teaches children the difference between wishing and praying.

Review:  A wish. A Prayer. What's the difference?  Are the two the same? In Beth Bence Reinke's book, A Wish and a Prayer, Jason soon finds out that the two couldn't be more different. When Jason's parakeet accidentally flies out of his window, Jason does everything he can to get him back. He searches for him in the park, and he calls him with the parakeet's special tweeting song. He even tries wishing the parakeet back for an entire week.

It isn't until Jason realizes he's been looking in the wrong places that he finds his parakeet. While he's been turning to wishing on a clock and candles to find his bird, he soon discovers these actions will not help him find the parakeet. But when he offers a faithful prayer to God for the bird's return, he awakes to that familiar tweeting song only his parakeet can sing.

This is a great story on the difference between  wishes and prayers, a lesson every child should learn.

Where to get A Wish and a Prayer:

Read about Beth Bence Reinke and her books on her blog!
Read about the illustrator here.


Anonymous said...

the book cover gives one entertaining look.

prayers and wishes are divine for young minds,

superb job, Jennifer.

lots of smiles.

Indie said...

Loved this Jennifer. Learning that a wish and a prayer are two different things is a great life lesson. It is so well thought out in this book.


Abhishek said...


I think, I should recommend this book to my younger sister!!

with warm regards
Another Author

Beth Reinke said...

Jennifer, thank you so much for this lovely review of A Wish and a Prayer. It is MY prayer that children will like the story and learn about wishing vs. praying through reading it. I appreciate you helping spread the word!