Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet Our Writers Week 3 on Mish

Greetings: hope your day goes well, today, we are going to meet our Tuesday Fiction Book Review official, mish, who has been with Bluebell Books ever since the first week, and she contributes to short story slams on weekly basis, and her talent in creative fiction is outstanding...let's hear what she is about to say on writing and blogging...

Tell us about yourself:

I’m an educator and a musician . I have always been an avid reader . The writing part of it , only surfaced late in my life and that is why I call myself a “late bloomer” . I think that , for a long time , I wondered if I really had any writing skills worth exploring …  

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you? 

My blog is Writer~in~transit … the journey never ends .

 It means that writing is a never-ending process . The journey is the most important part . It is an adventure that involves meeting and interacting with many different people from different places , who will share experiences and offer advice/support/comments that influence and enhance the writing journey .
I refer to myself as a writer-in-the-making (instead of aspiring writer that most people use)

When have you started blogging?

I started blogging from last year September , but changed over to my current blog from January of this year .

 What do you write most? poetry, book review or cooking recopies  short stories?

I enjoy writing non-fiction and fiction ; but recently I’ve been writing more fiction (short stories … and maybe a longer one … in the future …?)

What are the inspirations of your writing?

With regards to my fiction -  anything can be a source of inspiration – a word ; a picture ; a memory ; a song ... music definitely plays a major role in setting a mood or atmosphere for creative writing … classical music is very inspiring !
I enjoy the Bluebell Short Story Slam prompts ! 

Do you have a favorite book or author?

I love the mystery/suspense/thriller genre . Over the years , I’ve read countless books by the following authors : James Patterson , John Grisham , Harlan Coben  Sidney Sheldon , Iris Johansen , John Sandford , Ken Follett . But I’ve also learned to read other genres as well .  Writers are always advised to read widely , anything and everything  , fiction and non-fiction . I also enjoy biographical novels and inspirational fiction / non-fiction and have recently read books by Malcolm Gladwell ( The Tipping Point ; Blink ) ; Robin S. Sharma ( The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ) ; Richard Stengel ( Mandela’s Way : Lessons On Life )  and an assortment of others .  

Do you have a favorite quote?

I have many favorite quotes , but the following come to mind :
In Africa there is a concept known as ubuntu – the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others ; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world , it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievements of others --- Nelson Mandela
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step --- Confucius or Lao-Tzu ?
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said , people will forget what you did , but people will never forget how you made them feel --- Maya Angelou 

Any tips for those who started blogging ..

 Have fun ! Connect with other bloggers who share the same interests as you do ! There is a very supportive blogging community out there !

What's your writing plans?

 I have short-term , medium-term and long-term goals . The short and medium-termed goals are participating in shorter writing challenges to keep the “mental writing muscles” in good shape .
My long-term goal would be to write a longer piece of fiction – but that’s still in the pipe line …maybe in the next 5 to 10 years … J

Words from Mish:


Thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed at Bluebell Books . I really appreciate it .
Keep up the good work .

You are doing an awesome job and great service to the blogging community !!

Kind Regards


Anonymous said...

most beautiful responses, mish.

keep it up.

Morning said...

your thoughts are super inspiring, Mish.

MISH said...

@Bluebell Books : thanks for providing the interview opportunity
@Morning : thank you for the kind words !

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

a gem in the pot.

glad to read you, Mish.

MISH said...

Thanks Gooseberry Garden !

Ryan said...

great interview Mish! Your talent and dedication show in your blog and your writing.

Ryan said...

great interview Mish! Your talent and dedication are evident in your writing and your fascinating blog.

Anonymous said...

Mish, I love the concept of "writer in the making." I have from the start simply called myself a poet, just as I call myself a singer/songwriter... it's up to everyone else to decide whether or not I've "made it," ha ha. Loved your quotes, so revealing, and mostly, I love your writing. Glad you had a chance to expand on your journey; however, I'd love to hear more about your process, editing, whether you let your stories "sit" like dough and then go back for another read (knead?).

I would recommend one book, think you'd love it: Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin; also Time and Again by Jack Finney. Both combine different times with a tinge of sci-fi.

Thanks for a great time! Amy

Broken said...

Great choice to feature Michelle here! The answers are absolutely enjoyable to read! Way to go!

MISH said...

Thank you Amy & Blaga ... you ladies ROCK !! *Hugs*