Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Story of the Week--- Short Story Slam Week 8

This week's prompt led to so many wonderful stories and poems that selecting the tribute author for Week 8 was no easy task!!

Thank you to everyone that participated, your contributions were a joy to read.

Join me in congratulating this week's tribute writer and recipient of the Thursday Writer's Bloc Award: Christine, for her heart-wrenching, beautiful tale,  Faithful Servant.  If you have not already done so, please swing by and read her touching tale, linked here.

Her creative take on this week's prompt tugged at the heart strings from word one!

Congratulations,  Christine!


Morning said...

what a lovely choice, love her talent, she does not speak much, but write perfectly well.

Christine said...

Wow I am honored for the recognition. Faithful Servant was written from true accounts told by my husbands grandmother, the woman who had to flee Russia, and leave her husband behind. Thank you Bluebell Books for the award!

Anonymous said...

well deserved honor, Christine.

MISH said...

Congratulations to Christine ! She gave us an intense and thought-provoking tale ... within a rich historical context ...