Wednesday, September 7, 2011

meet our writers week 5 on victoria

Tell us about yourself:

I'm a happily-retired Registered Nurse who worked many years in the field of death and dying. For the last part of my life, I've switched on the creative muse. I've written and published short stories, poetry and magazine articles. I've completed two novels, one of which I'm preparing for publication. I'm working with a small independent publisher.

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you?

Working in hospice, I've found it to be comforting and useful to live in the present moment--it's all we have. My first choice was "liv2day" but that wasn't available. So I chose "liv2write2day" since my blog is a writing blog.

When have you started blogging?

Two or three years ago, but I became more involved when Jingle invited me to be a part of Poetry Rally. I owe a lot to her for making me take the plunge and it has evolved into an almost daily affair. I have about 515 posts on Wordpress and am approaching 30,000 hits. Thank you, Jingle.

What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, book review or cooking recopies  short stories?

At the present time the main focus is poetry. On Monday's I offer a writing prompt, for either poetry or prose. On Wednesday's I do "Wordsmith Wednesday," a how-to article on writing that covers all aspects of writing.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

My (long) life experience: working with death and dying, nature and spirituality.

Does music impact your writing?

I prefer silence when I'm writing (I'm easily distracted). I used to play the organ in church and have studied music so I love to use music metaphors.

You are involved with bluebell book-The Book Review and Short Story Writing Challenge Blog, what is your role? what's the benefits of it?

I do biography reviews once or twice a month. Right now, I'm cutting back a bit because I'm completing a final edit on my soon-to-be-published novel and it's quite intense. The major benefit for me has been that I've started reading more biography. I usually read literary fiction, because that's what I write. This has expanded my interest and I find I'm loving biography. When I finish the novel I'm reading, I plan on reading another biography and will write a review so that Bluebell can post it when it works best for them. That may take a couple of weeks, though.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

There are so many. I enjoy reading or re-reading classics that I either missed or didn't understand so well when I was younger.

Do you have a favorite quote?

Many of them, but I'll chose one from the gospel of John: I came that you may have life, and have it to the fullest." I love life. I was close to dying and 10 years ago (today--August 22) a friend gave me a kidney.

Any tips for those who started blogging ..

Join communities. Take the time to read and make meaningful comments on the work of others. And take the time for other things besides blogging, too. Especially if you are a writer. All of life nourishes our writing.

Any tips for those who wish to get published:

Don't give up. Send out lots of query letters. Don't personalize rejection. Join a writing critique group or, if you can afford it, hire a professional editor. Know that e-publishing is a valid option, as is self publishing. I had an agent, but the publishing world is evolving and is suffering from layoffs and the competition from alternate publishing options. So, get on board, but make sure that whatever you put out there is as professional as if it were being published by a big-name firm.

What's your writing plans?

Get my novel out there, do what I have to do to help promote it, continue blogging. I'm also working on self publishing a few chapbooks of poetry and have a second novel to rewrite/edit.

PS: Glad to meet you here, Victoria, your insights are invaluable,  keep it up and hope to see you published book soon.


Anonymous said...

enjoyed your response, Victoria.

MISH said...

Thanks to both Victoria and Bluebell Books for this wonderful & informative interview . It gave me an opportunity to get to know Victoria a little better .

Chim's World of Literature said...

This was a great intake on Victoria.....

Unknown said...

Thanks for the interview,and also for stopping by my blog today :)...

Anonymous said...

Mish, Chimnese, and Damyanti, Thanks for ther sweet feedback on Victoria.

I am sure she appreciates it.

Victoria said...

So sorry I missed this when it first went up...I was on a blogging break back then. Thank you so much for the post and comments.