Thursday, September 15, 2011

Story of the Week--- Short Story Slam Week 9

This week's prompt led to so many wonderful stories and poems that selecting the tribute author for Week 9 was no easy task!! In fact, every week it gets harder and harder to decide! 

Thank you to everyone who participated, your contributions were a joy to read.

Join me in congratulating this week's tribute writer and recipient of the Thursday Writer's Bloc Award: Elizabeth, for her beautiful and inspiring tale,  Light of Dawn.  If you have not already done so, please swing by and read her wonderful story, linked here.

Her creative take on this week's prompt was an inspiration. I love how she incorporated the photo prompt... letting her story paint the picture, instead of the picture painting her story!

Congratulations,  Elizabeth!


MISH said...

Congratulations Elizabeth ! Good choice ... excellent story with great attention to detal !

Morning said...

what a lovely choice, she deserves it.

a job well done, e.a.s.!


Elizabeth said...

Thank you, e.a.s., and thank you to everyone who left such wonderful encouragement and feedback! I'm truly honored.

Samantha said...

gud job :)

Anonymous said...

well deserved honor,

Thanks for sharing...