Friday, January 6, 2012

Meet the Writer Week 27 on Mohana

Tell us about yourself.

I'm from Kolkata, an undergraduate engineering student, in love with literature. My poetry has been published in two anthologies, and featured online, and I hope to get more publications.

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you?

My blog's name is Insanebloom. Its just a set of whimsical writings, dainty insanity, pretty bloom!

My blog link and the writing in it!

When have you started blogging?

Its just been a couple of months.

What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, fiction or novel, or  short stories?

I write poetry.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

Nature, emotions, and most importantly Life.

Does music impact your writing?

Yes, it does. Music lends a beautiful sensitivity, beauty to the ink.

You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge?

Yes, its a wonderful place to share writings, lots to learn.

Do you have a favorite blogging friend(s) to share? Tell us about his/her.

Oh yes! There are so many beautiful blogs, so many lovely friends.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

Quite many. I love Austen, Plath, Wilde, and many more.

What's your writing plans in the near future?

To publish my own book of poetry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep it up.
