Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday ~ Book Review 32

Good Morning Everyone,

    Hope all is going well.  This is Abhishek Boinapalli from Another Author. I do book reviews here on blue-bell-books bi-weekly. 

    Here is a book review of Apocalypse Crucible by Mel Odom of the Left-Behind-Series. The book is No. 2 in the military part of the series and is continuation of the Apocalypse Dawn.

    In the Apocalypse Dawn, First Sergent Goose Ganders is struck in a military skirmish between Turkey and Syria. He and his rangers are supporting the cause of Turkey and taking heavy causalities. At the same time, rapture occurred as told in the Bible and all the believers are taken alive into heaven by god. The world is in chaos and Goose Ganders' wife tries to help as many teenagers cope up with reality as possible looking after her Joey (her son and a teenager) and overcoming the grief of loss of Chris (hear 5 year old son). Find the complete review of Apocalypse Dawn here.
    In the Crucible, the story becomes a little more intense. Imagine the horrors of war when the enemy choose to use your dead as weapon against you, when the dead rain from the sky, when the enemies throw armor against you and all you have is the sacred duty to protect your rangers. Even in the aftermath of attack, all in not so well for the First Sergent. He got to take care of his people, fight raging fires, build defenses around the city and understand the complex situation the CIA has thrown them into. All the while, Danielle Vinchenzo of OneWorld NewsNet makes the story of Gander Goose live. Following him, trailing him and making him a Hero, whom the American Citizen worship and also exposing herself to war, to the CIA and to death.

    Back home, Mrs. Gander is in more and more trouble due to the law-suits on her. Due to the messing up of saving a girl from potential suicide. Here the author gives you personal touch of the heart and suffering of kids and people in chaos. Mrs. Gander unable to save the girl *shot by a MP*, facing law-suit for alleged kidnapping of a kid and lots and lots of emotional trauma thanks to her teenager who fled from home at this point of time.

    The Navy Chaplain Delroy Harte, who convinced the Joint Chief of Staff about rapture in the previous book of the series, tries hard to understand the rapture. He goes to extra lengths to find out if the body of his son *Who goes down fighting in another war* is still below the grave-stone / taken by god. He faces the Anarchist who tries to kill him, he is hurt, injured only to be taken into custody by the deputy Sheriff. What happens to him ought to be read in the book. At the same time, the church in the war-zone is growing bigger, more faithful than ever and is becoming one tight knit group.
    The story of Icarus, the secret CIA agent due to whom the war started is all getting murky. With the section - in - charge of CIA Alexander Cody trying to kill him, he is on the run and usually makes strange appearances before Sargent Goose Gander. The strange friendship between the both brings out murky secrets which enrage the commanding officer of Rangers. The remaining agents working hard only to make the entire plot interesting, ensuring that you hate the CIA, you get a glimpse of the Anarchist.

    Well Well, I think I am already giving away too much of the plot. Yet, I am sure you would like to read the book. The book isn't just about the plot. The book needn't rely on plot alone to survive. It got awesome narration, great picturesque description of every event, a humane touch and great characters.

    This book is a must read for every military fiction fan. Have you read this? Liked it? Do let me know.

with warm regards
Abhishek Boinapalli


Anonymous said...

when I was a child, I used to watch war movies, great excitement..

Thanks for showing such a thrill.


Taylor said...

war leads to sorrows,

a 5 year old without a father is sad,

lovely sketch line.