Thursday, July 12, 2012

Short Story Slam: Story of The Week 22

Good evening, stellar writers,

 there were so many wonderful stories and poems this week that selecting the tribute author for Week 22 was no easy task!! I like this one because it is rational conveying sharp message.
Thank you to everyone who participated! Everyone is wonderful in your uniqueness and talent!

Join me in congratulating this week's tribute writer and recipient of the winner , Taylor Boomer,  for her wonderful piece, have fun!

Her comprehensive take on this week's prompt was truly a joy to read!



Fists of play dough,
Colorful dreams, so and so;
Naked trees;
Puddles of sky,
Emotions run thunder loud, why?
High fever, panics,
Fruitful progress, cute tricks;
Heartfelt thoughts,
Evaporated words;
Home, hope, and hoses,
Family, friends, and choices;
Regardless what you choose,
You have to be aware of life’s taboos…


Anonymous said...

have fun today.

Anonymous said...

lovely pick.

Indie said...

I really enjoyed this Taylor!
