Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meet Our Writers Week 30 on Jesus Roa Rodriguez


Thank you very much for considering me for this. Jj.

 Tell us about yourself

I am Jesus Roa Rodriguez, or JJ. Born June 5, 1970 proud to be 42... Yay!..  Gemini
Born in Roxas, Palawan, Philippines to Veronica and the late Gabriel Sr.
I’m the fifth child out of 8. Single but happily committed, Very!.. Stayed in Taipei, Taiwan as a worker for 4.5 years before my luck of going to Canada arrived. I am not here for work, i am here to continue my calling. For me, being a foreign caregiver or a nanny is not a job. People who consider this a job does not put their hearts to it. This is a vocation. Especially, most of us leave our own elders and children back home to take care of somebody else's.

I love to sing as most Filipinos do. Dancing is in me too. Oh please don’t play a good song and my feet and hands will start moving. And stop the hips... LOL!..

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you?

I have three blogs, namely:, and But i put everything and most of my time and effort to the latter one. 

Buringgoy? Oh my!.. What is it? As most Filipinoes do, i had helped my youngest sister to raise her children. One time, while trying to put my eldest nephew that word came out of my mouth. So from then on, i used that word as my endearment to all my nephews. It does not mean anything at all for tagalog.

Funny! I started blogging with a very odd reason. I was dating then my most recent ex. As if i have lots. Hahaha... And he is very very good in writing esp poetry. Every conversation that we have, his blog, the comments, the followers are always part of it. I get so jealous. So I thought, maybe if I will have my own,  he will also talk about it. Sad to say, it didn't happen that way. Instead of bonding us closer, jealousy became worse. So instead, i put my emotions to my own blog and make it my "listening friend." somewhat like a diary in a form of poetry. If they can be considered as such.  And followers starts to come. And advises, hugs and kisses from unknown friends. Buringgoy had help me a lot. Put a lot of smile and laughters to me. 

 When have you started blogging?

Although Buringgoy is my favorite of the three, Mis Canciones is created earlier. I started that may 24th  and Buringgoy on May 27th. Then Amateur Shots on the 14th of September, all in the year 2011 

What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, fiction or novel, or  short stories?

Mis Canciones is all about songs. 

Buringgoy is personal and poetry. Anything that I feel, hear, saw.. I put them into words. I dont follow any form as I dont know any form of writing. I write it as how my heart and mind tells me to do so. 

Amateur Shots, as the title say, pictures that I myself took.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

Mis Canciones, songs that speak of me. 

Buringgoy, all about me. And that special friend introduced me to Magpie Tales of Tess Kincaid and one of my followers introduced me to Bluebell.

Amateur Shots, my trips.

You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge? How do you feel about it so far? What's the benefits of it?

I must say, I am guilty of not participating in the recent month. I am too busy doing my papers for my Application for Permanent Residence here in Canada. That i am very thankful, that even so, you have considered me for this interview. My heartfelt gratitude.

Benefits? One, we get to know people. People that gives us what they thought directly from what they read. And not the so much blah blah blah that we sometimes get fed up with. The challenge of knowing. For me, the challenge to see how far I can go for writing, as I have never thought of doing it. Learning vocabulary. A lot to mention...

 Do you have a favorite blogging friend(s) to share? Tell us about his/her blog link and the writing in it!

To many to mention. But I will make special mention of the following:

Suz, [] for all the good words, the hugs and the endearing words, I wanna thank you. She became my blog sister and one of the person that I wanna meet in the future. Saving up for my fare already, hehehe....

Rick Baker, [http://efficientagony,] he is one of those that inspired me from all of his beautiful comments and one of my early followers. 

Kaykuala aka Hank. [] I will never forget the kind words Pare. And for believing in me. (Fyi, Pare in Tagalog means godfather) 

Brian Miller, [] thank you sir for the constant visit and kind words.

Jane Jones, [] love u friend... Hope one day we'll meet each other. Anyways, we are both in Ontario, CA.

Rick Watsons, [] thank you sir! Although we haven't visited each others blog for quite sometime, guess we are both busy! ROFL!.. All the kind words and the first blog award, will never be forgotten. thank you very much!.

Bluebell and Magpie Tales [] thank you very much!. You have given me friends that I never have imagine I will have. 

The 83 followers... 

And of course, JC [] thank you for the continous love and support. 

Do you have a favorite book or author?

I really don't have any particular favorite writer. But since I have made friends with Suz, my sister and Miss Vicki Lane []; they are now my favorites! Yay!..

What's your writing plans in the near future?

Nothing specific!.. I will just face whatever challenges come my way. LOL!..


Anonymous said...

excellent response, Jj.

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

I am deeply honored... thank you, thank you, thank you!



kaykuala said...

Such a wonderful interview! Now I know you better - who you are and what to hold dear to. You are very clear in what you stood for. It's not a job but a vocation of endearment It's a resolve of noble dedication. You're happy where you are and that is important. Thanks for the shout-out Pare, I'm humbled to be in such fine company. God Bless you!


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

rich links and information.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

love the interview.

Brian Miller said...

thank you very much for the mention JJ...always look forward to your writing and you are def good people....smiles.

Anonymous said...

keep it up.