Friday, November 9, 2012

Meet Our Writers Week 34: Kodjo Deynoo

 Tell us about yourself

 I am a social commentary and philosophical poet, who writes with reflection on society and my understanding on life. I have been writing for a few years now and have performed in a few venues in Bristol and London 

Tell me about your blog(s), name(s), what does it mean to you? 

 My blog is called poetrysoundbites / Kodjo Deynoo Poetry (K.D). The name poetrysoundbites was chosen to define the wave beneath my poems, each poem  has an underlining meaning and message that allows the reader to engage with his/her own thought on the subject matter. My blog is my voice to the world in a sense, it is more of a definition of me as a person, because I am not forced on condition to write to a particular manner or a view point.

 When have you started blogging?

 Started blogging in 2009, over the years I have seen many blogger come and go, there are a few who are still fanatical like I am and have been around a long while. I have made many friends with like minded views since I started blogging. So far I have close to 200,000 hits  and 4,500 comments on my blog so in some sense it could be considered a successful blog

 What's the theme(s) of your blog(s)? What do you write most? poetry, fiction or novel, or  short stories?

 Mostly short poems, and haiku on Saturdays  a few short stories and Epic poems as well. My theme is subjective to the notion I have in mind so it varies from time to time, generally it is about social commentary, philosophy and personal development.

What are the inspirations of your writing?

 I take inspiration from the people I come across, reading news articles, politics and events from my everyday life. I enjoy nothing more than having a conversation with an individual who is enlightened in life.

You are involved with Bluebell Books Short Story Slam writing challenge? How do you feel about it so far? What's the benefits of it?

 Most of us bloggers would have probably given up blogging long time a go, if not for the communities sites such as Bluebell creates. I feel it is an important sources of life and energy for bloggers 

Do you have a favorite blogging friend(s) to share? Tell us about his/her blog link and the writing in it!

 I have a few and all with their own style of writing and content. 

and Efo Dela @

   Every blogger is aspires one day to have his/her work published, especially the literature    based blogs. I have a lot of things going on at the moment so I am not particularly chasing          the publishing dream, however I can see that changing in the near future.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

I enjoy reading books from Dan Brown and John Gresham  


Anonymous said...

keep writing.

Anonymous said...

a powerful interview.