Thursday, March 30, 2017

short story slam week 66, march 30, 2017-april, 30

according to friendly blogger Alex

A to Z Post Letters [2017] posting a word starting from A,
B, C, ...X, Y, Z, during april, and have fun!

Arlee Bird @

Alex J. Cavanaugh @

eremy Hawkins @

Heather M. Gardner @

Zalka Csenge Virág @

John Holton @

J Lenni Dorner @
Alison Sandberg Jason Pritchard Clinton@


Anonymous said...

i love a to z challenges,
what favorite and favorable post.

David Paige said...

a bc words are fun ti think about.

David Paige said...

good luck.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

glad to try.

Anonymous said...

nice one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lovely chance to write and think.

Anonymous said...

powerful a to z post.

Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

glad to join.

Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

what fun to watch these people shine.

Anonymous said...
