Tuesday, May 23, 2017

story of the week 68, on Ballmer Samrufz Rivera Dell Fitts

short story slam week 68

short story slam week 68, unexpected and runner up fitness, why we shall use google to maxmize our world views 


Image result for san francisco airport 
Image result for chicago airport

as Tiegan Willoaghby and Robert Meinder said,
Things go around
Notable people pause
ordinary folks run
all passengers sit
and refuse to move themselves
from where they go
the mobile phone
and the train cargo
all push
and we wait,
and enlighten our day
with Novel Arrivals

Thomas wants to go home
Francis Norick and Majorie Norick want to do art
both are good
regarding Gary Johnson and Margaret Petree
we choose to be respective
and pray for Stan Barton, Eric Barton, Rene Jungo, and Abul Hasan


Anonymous said...

keep it up.

Anonymous said...
