Thursday, June 6, 2019

story if the week 120: we choose 任鲁豫 , 董卿 (Venetian Peng) 's friend 钟欣潼, 赵颂茹 (princess Ava)

任鲁豫 , 董卿 (Venetian Peng)

 钟欣潼, 赵颂茹 (princess Ava) 

Image result for woman's day in China

Light pitching sound
a flying dove
stranding machine misses its growing power
journey talked before sing aloud
a promising dream is a helpful stick
we meet our yearning desire
we make progress for a new day 

 Image result for spring break in march


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

we are breaking

from March 21 to march 26...

have a safe moment.

Anonymous said...
