Friday, December 15, 2017

short story slam week 79: December 14, 2017 ---January 2, 2018....

Image result for loyola school of law

Happy 2018,
Merry Christmas 2017

Thanks to John Nicklow, Michael Fitts,
Ted Cruz, Heidi Cruz, Peter Constantin,
Yijiu Zhu, Chongsheng Cao, Lizheng Tao,
Yao Yao, Weiwei Hu, Janet Ruscher,
Ann Blair, Martha Minow, Warren Buffett,
Mary Fallin, Jay Slee, Donald Trump,
Melania Trump, George Bush, Michael Pence,
Burns Hargis, Alan Noell, Dale Alspach,
Jeff Bryant, Michelle Overman, Paul Ryan,
Larry Gosney, Larry Page, Sundar Pichai,
Jeff Bezos, Bob Young, Morton Schapiro,
Gerad Clancy, Steadman Upham, Gina Noble
