Thursday, December 22, 2011

Story of The Week on Short Story Slam Week 16

Seasons’ Greetings from Bluebell Books…

Thank you so much for your participation to week16 Short Story Slam, everyone has done a beautiful job…loved reading all of you.

Please Join me in congratulating this week's tribute writer and recipient of the Short Story Slam Story of The Week Award,  Scape Lines, for his outstanding entry,   Rain Today,  If you have not already read him yet, here is the complete version of it:

Rain Today  By Scape

Weather Reporter School

Tips for Success
              Smile a lot
              Always stress the possibility of sun
             Prepare set of snappy ‘rain jokes’
              Note:  cameraman has been instructed to focus on you with a quick flash on the map.
                Open’ and ‘Close’ will be pics of sunny days (station has a stockpile of ten photos). 
             Consider wearing disguise when out in public

Alternative Words for “Rain Today”

             Slight mist
              A bit moist
              Nearly sunny
             Strong chance of __________ (anything else)
Weather Reporter Script

  > face camera:   “Some areas report sun”
             (Two places … and it was last month)
  > indicate current storm on the map:     “A break in the clouds is expected”
            (For sure … someday… maybe…. nope)
  > show cute picture of child holding rainbow umbrella:     “Oh look, a “sun-brella”
  > pause for snappy comeback from news desk:___________
  > conclude with:       ”Ok folks, we may see a drop or two today”

           (I already own three sets of rain gear and four semi functioning umbrellas!)
Note to Self:
          (Check bank account. Sunny place airfare only $500..!)

His witty take on this week's prompt is filled with multiple elements and Xtraordinary humor, It is fabulous reading his compact lines.

Congratulations, Scape!

Please feel free top explore his blog and get impressed by his talented writing here: scape  


Anonymous said...

love doing this,

the greatest pleasure is to discover talent among our writers.

way to go, scape.

Mornng said...

beautiful choice.

Happy Holidays.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love this,

Glad to see it shine here.

way to go.