Title: Seasons: A Real Story of an Amish Girl
Author: Elizabeth Byler Younts
Self-Published. Available on Kindle for $0.99
Story Summary: This memoir is based on the stories told by the author’s grandmother who was raised in an Amish community in Pennsylvania among the most difficult of conditions. The narrative is centered on the young life of Lydia Lee who was raised as the oldest of eleven children in extreme poverty, but in a family that was loving and faith-filled. Lydia ’s childhood was one of frequent re-location, hunger, hard work and commitment to her Amish roots.
There is not much of a story arc, as the same scene repeats itself in many locations as the father moves his brood in search of a living. Lydia assists him in working the fields and eventually assumes responsibility for her siblings. It is a simple, but inspiring narrative, which culminates in her acceptance of hard luck and eventual discovery of the man she will marry.
The positive aspects of the book include the writer’s smooth, descriptive writing style and her ability to portray the reality of the Amish lifestyle, often seen by those of us on the “outside” as a bit distant from reality.
Recommendation: This is a quick and easy read, and I recommend it for those who are interested in learning about alternate ways of living in a faith-based community. The lack of story arc may disappoint those who are looking for a bit of adventure.
For Bluebell Books, I'm Victoria C. Slotto, happy to bring you this week's biography review.
Victoria, Thanks for the head up.
I admire your clear and concise review.
THanks Ji and Inger.
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