Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Short Story Slam Week 24: Life Behind The Corners of Your Smiles!

Photo #1: Winter

Photo #2: Growing Up Happy

Photo #3: Bliss Enlarged When Three Generations Merge!

Photo #4: Merry Christmas, Grandparents In Love!


Anonymous said...

Pick one or more photos,

write, submit, and smile.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Anonymous said...

what a comprehensive prompt.

love it.


Anonymous said...

sharing mine.


Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

here is mine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

finally got a special entry, enjoy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lovely prompt.

Anonymous said...

submitted one.

Anonymous said...

sharing mine.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

my first time,



Anonymous said...

keep inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Happy Dog days.

Anonymous said...

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

amazing prompt.

Anonymous said...


here is one called weekend weakened.

Anonymous said...

here comes mine,


Anonymous said...

lovely prompt,

sharing one, with humor and poetry.

Anonymous said...

lovely prompt.

Anonymous said...

sharing one.

Anonymous said...

Here is mine.

Mish said...

submitting mine

Viola said...

here is mine.

Amy said...

here comes my contribution,


Pamela Ken Drummond Chuck Robbins said...

here comes mine.


Anonymous said...


Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

morning and moon,
they overlap and sing a silent tune,

keep it up,

love you.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...


Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

here comes mine.


Anonymous said...

adding joy and laughter here.

Anonymous said...

play the number right.

Anonymous said...


here is mine.

Anonymous said...

sharing mine.

Anonymous said...

ready or not, here I come.

zhao Wei,
chuan zhen Peng,

keep your daughters live and beautiful.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

here comes the limericks..

keep laughing.

Christopher Kerry Scott Sophie Johnson said...

happy playing.

Anonymous said...

submitted mine,
limericks r perfect.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

have a good day.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

some jokes submitted.

Anonymous said...

my humor post is done.


Anonymous said...

what a celebration.

Elizena said...

Thanks for the opportunity once again. I think the Bluebell Books Twitter Club has actually taught me to write actual short stories, instead of the very, very long short stories I used to write. I still write them for myself of course, but I've learned so much from all of you. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Long short stories have a place. They document the characters and provide details that most people don't want to hear. It's important. Who would have cared about Romeo and Juliet if they had just been a quick, short story?