Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Poetry Book Review...

Hello and happy Monday to all my fellow Bluebell poetry readers!

I have come across an exceptional poet to share with you today. Exceptional that is if you like a poet that goes against the grain. One who argues for the "fleshing out" of the characters that she writes about and believes wholly in the extra details words can provide rather than the merely impressionistic flavor many poets prefer.

Her name is Mary Karr and she is  an American poet and essayist. She rose to fame in 1995 with the publication of her bestselling memoir "The Liars Club." She is the Peck Professor of English Literature at Syracuse University.

In her third collection of poetry, Viper Rum, Mary Karr delves into autobiographical subject matter; various beloveds are birthed and buried in these touching lyrics, some of which, as the title suggests, deal with drink:

I cast back to those last years
I drank, alone nights at the kitchen sink,
bathrobed, my head hatching snakes,
while my baby slept in his upstairs cage
and my marriage choked to death

in addition to Viper Rum, Karr has other books both literary and prose. She is honest, edgy and gives one the sense that she is on a search for the meaning of life.

Aren't we all?

Till we meet again, happy poetry and keep reading!


read me at


Anonymous said...

beautiful work shared, Indie.

Anonymous said...

lovely post.