Why did you decide to get published?
A friend of mine introduced me to a independent publisher’s
here in South Africa that published his first book and knowing that they did a
brilliant job with his publication I later on contact the editor and she asked
to see a manuscript and three months later I have build a great working
relation with the company and the team and I have my first debut book out now.
What kind of book do you have there?
Its poetry and prose it’s more reflective of the inner
How long have you been writing?
I began writing since I was twelve years old, but mostly
essay type, it was in 2010 I started to take up online poetry classes and
attempted to love the poetic side of myself and how it regards the soul mixed
with many other genres. To me it’s been my calling to write even though I didn’t
study creative literature. I took my writing serious over the last three years.
Do you have previous publishing
have been a part of two previous anthologies, one being, Step Into My Shoes.
What is the reason you chose the host of your
I chose KREATIV SA because they function more in the poetry
genres they have selective authors from all around South Africa and a few overseas
The team that I worked with kept me included in every
decision from the editing to the cover art. So I wouldn’t mine having my second
book published with them.
Which part of the book do you believe to be the
most charming to readers? Please include 2 or 3 poems in your book....
There’s something about the rain
As it pours from the sky
while I lift up my face to the heavens,
listening to my shoes making sounds on a tar road,
water tumbling down.
So while I’m walking
I pull from my jacket something special;
as raindrops from the opened clouds cascade down,
I speak in a passionate voice:
“God, is this blessing your tears
wanting to wash away the pain we all carry inside?”
It’s only when the winter comes
that rain pours down cleansing my face,
a face that needed this rain so the pain doesn't remain …
for what I pull from my
jacket, is my heart, offered to God,
while slowly walking in the
You were assigned to me by
our Father. I know it shouldn’t be an easy job to acquire, but you were created
to see far beyond a mortal life. Forgiving, patient, never interfering without
free will. Her celestial form sends out good vibrations, waves of devotional
love into the universe. Water glittering like crystals as she touches it. White
wings sparkling as she bends on her knees; her hands folded together, as if she
is saying a prayer. She’s a missionary from the Father, helping you to find the
strength in your daily life.
You became imprisoned in my mind,
trapped, as I drift through stages.
We became friends,
but something changed:
I became enthralled by you;
like a sea of hope,
exploring the depth
where you and I becoming one in soul.
I treasured you,
carried you close to my heart,
but you became imprisoned in my mind,
when life kept tearing us apart.
I kept reaching for my muses,
my wandering muses, floating
on clouds filled with their passions.
You absorbed my words into a lustrous
flame of explosive love that kept you
in bounds forever.
Do you have any hints on how to get
All I can say is this never give up if you want to be a
published author just be prepared because not every publisher is going to like
your work. There is the good and the bad about being a writer the bad is we get
rejected on our work, but it doesn’t mean that you aren’t good, it means what
you have to offer doesn’t suit that particular publishing company.
Do you have a favourite author?
Too many of the classics , Robert Frost, Charles Bukowski,
William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Browning and a few of the newest poets is
Heather Grace Stewart, Myra Lochner and Gert Diedericks
What are your major inspirations?
In this moment of my life my spiritual journey, life and all
its dimensions. Children is another inspiration because I love to write for
I am moved by what the eyes can’t see, but what I can feel
through the spiritual realm, you could say that my vision on life has changed
What’s your writing plan for the future?
am currently busy with my second book which would be a novel and so far I am
looking at being done with the manuscript by the end of December 2012.

good luck.
Awesome!.. Best of luck!..
Thank you guys
Thank you both :)
amazing, keep it going.
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