Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hello fellow poets and readers of fine poetry!

Well here we are, through the holidays and landing softly in February, the month of "love".

I haven't arranged any chocolate for us (sorry)

and there is no champagne chilling (again, sorry).

What I do have for you is a poem............

a poem that softly sizzles with seduction,

that evokes the pull of "new love" or perhaps it is talking about a

forbidden love?

Right person, wrong timing?

You be the judge!

The poet is Leslie Brill,

Here is her book of poetry,

and here is a luscious sample of her work:

I peel away
 that I barely know you and really,
am not supposed to know you here
and now. You peel away you are not
supposed to be social with me. these are only
circumstances. We know our souls our wholes
are bound only circumstantially. So part of us sits out,
part of us dances.  Outer layers, first to drop, when heart says go
but brain says stop. You peel away all that you know
my hands are warm my lips are soft


share this poem with someone you love...........

or want to.........

just add chocolate and champagne!

See you next time beloved readers!


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