Thursday, August 2, 2012

Short Story Slam Week 20: Love In Creativity Project, All Is Welcome!

Good Morning, Stellar Writers at Bluebell Books Short Story Slam:

In the past nine (9) months, you have been a strong supporter to our biweekly short story slams, we appreciate your courage in attempting to write a story or a poem based on the images we provide, it has been marvelous experience to us- both the hosts and the story of the week officials.

Today, we are doing a special offer, we challenge you to write a short story or a poem in exactly 55 words, you have about 4 weeks to work out your entry, the submission is from today to February 29, 2012, which means you have enough time to make your effort, this helps you improve your creative writing skills by restricting your word counts in 55 words, samples are provided from below, G-Man is the host of Flash Friday 55.

The offer is open to the public, One entry Per blog link please, you are encouraged to fine tune your entry and meet the word counting requirement before submitting, by the end of the project, our officials (2 to 3)  will format your work into a book form, we expect about 100-300 entries, we will publish your talent as a book, it is self-publishing, and we won’t charge you but won’t pay you either, since we do it as a non-profit project, the finished book selling link will be provided to you by end of March, 2012, have fun, good luck!

Instruction to your submission (no theme, you choose whatever topic to write!)

Make sure to:

#1: read all of the samples from below to get an idea of how to write a 55 story,

#2: click on the word counting tool link below, type your story or poem in the box provided, calculate your entry to make sure your story is exactly 55 words,

#3: once you have a fitting entry, copy and paste it to your blog post, post it, then submit to our special offer prompt,

#4: upon your submission, make a comment under the post, saying:

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Title of your entry,
Name in which you wish to appear in the book,
Blog link,
A story in 55 words (copy and paste it to the comment as well),

#5: read and comment for other entries to get inspired, no obligations on this one!

Sample Flash Fiction in 55 Words can be found in our collection, so many of you have made it, wow!


1 – 200 of 628   Newer›   Newest»
Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

all is welcome,

Let the fun begin!


Thanks for your lovely support.

Anonymous said...

Such a small think. ;-) But such a great idea

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


i wish to publish my poem in 55 words,

with the following information:

Trust Is A Must
By Taylor Boomer

Magic can happen from writers' fingertips,
Since a thread of muses strengthens,
The world is seen in corridors of imaginations,
Emotional and raw,
A poem may not mirror one's mood at all!
If issues thrust,
Trust is a must.
Opals of envy don't fit,
Sheepish hesitations can wait,
I yearn to embrace
omens in faith.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great contest! Although am I the only one who noticed the deadline is February 31st? There is no 31st in February. It's a Leap Year, so we get 29 days, but that's all. :)

Belva Rae Staples said...

I would like to have my stroy published by Bluebell Books in the Love in Creativity project!
Car Wreck
by belva Rae Staples
This is exactly 55 words.

The dazed, young boy sat in the wrecked car. Blood gushed from a gash in his forehead. He would live, but as he looked at his mother jammed behind the steering wheel; he knew she was dead. She was all he had in this world. He loved her so much. What would he do now?

Belva Rae Staples said...

I would like to have my stroy published by Bluebell Books in the Love in Creativity project!
Car Wreck
by belva Rae Staples
This is exactly 55 words.

The dazed, young boy sat in the wrecked car. Blood gushed from a gash in his forehead. He would live, but as he looked at his mother jammed behind the steering wheel; he knew she was dead. She was all he had in this world. He loved her so much. What would he do now?

Belva Rae Staples said...

Sorry about the typos in the previous comment!

Indie said...

Thank you Bluebell for this wonderful opportunity!

It is such a joy to be a member here.


Bluebell Books said...


29 days, sorry for the typo,

will correct once I'm home,

in public library now.

Elizena said...

What the heck is a 55 word story or poem?!?!? I'm in trouble here guys! LOL! Even my short stories are long. Hahaha. Well I'll give this the good old Mexican American try. I'm the Little Mexican Who Could.

nicolewian said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project,

Nicole Wian

What secrets do you keep?

Your vow of silence keeps me up at night and I wander by day in wonder.

Quiet, ponderous, pounding

heart of mine and still.

Watch for revelation but tame the tongue.

Tie it

tight to knots for naught can come

of voice.

Victory in solitude.

Gain in finally

giving up.

Paulo Guimaraes said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project

Paulo Guimaraes

UNTITLED (55 words)

Hand held darkness broken

Inside hearts beating in sync

And a vision walks slow

Into the being of one

Steps grow on the path

Leading to growth and eventual

Scenes explaining a turn

Towards expansive dreams

The ready residential

Captures strong togetherness

And creation of another

Cements the deal in waves

Explosion saves

Future days

Unknown said...

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials. I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

They Danced by Dan Roberson

Her heart jumped each time,
He sang to her that verse,
“I need you now,”
And what was even worse,
When he wrinkled his brow,
Her knees grew weak,
And she needed him too,
His dark eyes put her in a trance,
And while the whole world,
Filled spaces around them and swirled,
They danced.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.
Superman's Regret
David Ance

X-ray vision like a dart
Through your boots of Spanish leather
Everything’s coming together
Everything’s falling apart
Tired of seeing the heart
A skeleton-like feather

Tired of seeing what’s in your head
Rather than your face
A bony shroud of lace
Where others see cheeks of red
Covering of the dead
Black and white embrace

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

glad to see so many of you in,

have fun,

keep working on your skills.

you rock, as always.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


yes, I agree to have my 55 word story published in your project,

The Trapped Warrior
Natalie Sunflowers
Best friend is down with a broken arm, bullets keep flying through the window, the floor is covered with crimson blood, hurtful glasses, and stony bullets.

'Zip out'!

Lightening shoots from his eyes, thunder rolls in his mind, bullets under his body is cracked, swirling over Heaven in his head.

Crawling on, he smells hope.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with
link to my entry at,
A story in 55 words

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

title: Love or Love.
Name: "Fidoic"
"LOVE or LOVE"(exatly 55 words.)

i thought
she fought
i cared
she teared
i lent
she spent
i loved
she dumped
i cried
she lied
i crept
she left
i spared
she dared
i waited
she dated
heart pained
tears rained
i was grim
she had him
and i died
she never cried
is it love
or it is love

........... thankz...........

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.


You vs. I;

was never supposed to be a war.

We stood together,

yet always apart.

I think I love you,

but how can I be sure?

I slipped, you see,

I let us both down.

You vs. I;

and how can we win the battle?

When we are one and the same?

I’m sorry.

Wander said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work, This asshole in jackson, self published in your Love In Creativity Project

With the following information
This asshole in Jackson
By chris McQueeney 1/6/12

I’m so fucking tired!
This asshole in Jackson stole my horse; bute named Burt, not the horse, the asshole! Got the drop on me, on account of me being in the jug. Won’t happen again! For one thing, I got my piece skinned, back to the wall. For another, I aint got no fucking horse!

knot2share said...

Thank you Bluebell Books! I have submitted a story that I wrote a few months ago. I am not sure if this qualifies or not. If yes, then well and good. If no, then it does not matter. I am happy to share it here anyway. There is a photo that goes with the story too, which can be found in the post on my blog.

If all ok, then I would like to have my stroy published by Bluebell Books in the Love in Creativity project, with the following information:

Memoreel by Knot2share

Since the day he lost her in the dreadful fire accident, he has become aloof and lonely.

It is her birthday.

In his dingy room, sitting on her favourite rocking chair, with his faithful bottle on one side and an old movie projector on the other, he dances his last waltz over and over again.

dakshi said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Name in which you wish to appear in the book: Dakshima Haputhanthri

Blog link:

A story in 55 words (copy and paste it to the comment as well)

Grateful, I am
Today and always
For your eternal love

Loving me
With heart and soul
I’m grateful for you

Giving me nothing but
Warmth of your heart
I’m grateful for you

I love your innocent smile
Your Overflowing adoration
When our eyes meet

I love you
As always
I love you

~ Dakshi ~
2012– 02/02
© All Rights Reserved

bendedspoon said...

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials. I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

A Very Special Offer
by bended spoon

‘I SING, YOU SMILE’ – written on a cardboard beside him.

I smiled and the passers-by who read it.

“Why are you doing this? You can’t even see them?” I asked the singing blind man on the sidewalk.

“Because I want to be the reason for a smile,” he said.

What a very special offer.

Unknown said...

This feels great!!

Hello friends and bluebell books short story slam officials,

I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Ankush Samant,,
A story in 55 words:

I hate you!
You should be sorry!
You never understood me!
You failed me every time!
Maybe I was at fault, but I tried, you never did, not even once!
Sometimes, you did try but not wholeheartedly...
Sometimes, you did care for me.
I am so bad at times!
I am sorry!
I love you!

Note: The story contains words that are crossed off. I could not get that font setting for comments. So, do visit the blog to get the right story...


Laura said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with
Title- Galaxy: A Small Stone, Jan. 27, 2012
Name- Laura Hegfield
Blog link-
A story in 55 words (copy and paste it to the comment as well)-
A miniscule galaxy born of shower steam upon January windowpanes, oh yes, a celestial vision of star-bright prisms and black pocked emptiness arrayed for one whose eyes, heart and imagination are attuned to observing beauty in the most ordinary of places, temporarily transformed into realms of magnificence. Gone in the breath of an open door.

Snowflakes said...

yes, I wish to get my poem in 55 words published by you..

Leafing from Chicago, IL
By Snowflakes

Leaves fall and gather like ocean,
I uncover the bare area with my boat,
I rake the waves
that are heard nightly,
I drive them to the leaf pile,
They buzz over a railroad track,
They rustle like words hidden inside a book
I hold, wearing my leather gloves,
Hyde Park,
Keendwood Street,

Chim's World of Literature said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your 

Love In Creativity Project, along with

Thoughts of You,

Chimnese Davids,

Blog link:,

My story is 47 words.



Rek Sesh said...

Thank you for this opportunity.

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Curve Ball
By Rekha Seshadri

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball before you can throw one back.

Everything arranged to perfection, the invites were out.
The surprise party, a celebration of our fifth anniversary.

Today he dropped a bomb, he is seeing someone and wants a divorce.

The report lay unopened on the dressing table, I was finally pregnant.

Teresa Marie said...

I'm not sure I did this right but here goes:
Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with
Entry Title, Mired Down In Strife
Name in which you wish to appear in the book, Teresa Marie
Blog link,
A story in 55 words

Mark Butkus said...

Interesting concept. I threw my 55 words in the ring with "Cheating Winter." Now I look forward to reading what else has been submitted!


Mark Butkus

Glazel Pett said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Glazel Pett


I am hopeless
I knew there’ll be none
I am too late
so I accept the fate

I woke up one day
Usually feeling the same
Little did I know
Today I will come to know

You changed my life
You made me believe once again in miracles
You never fail me
Thank you, Lord.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project

The Silent Symphony
by Andrea D'Aviera

she turned; the dial

to the proper resting place

and its silent song became

a thunderstorm of noise.

like pulling teeth

she gummed around the question

too hard to chew

and too sour to suck.

and she did suck, well

in the mildest of terms. but

she couldn’t hear the symphony

resonating in

the dial

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh, yeah!

I wish to have my 55 word story published by Bluebell Books officials,

under the content below:

The American Miniaturist
by Tifiny Moon

She’s fiercely painted,
Long curly hair tied behind her head
so that her ears are open to his voice:
which is a pile of leaves
whose tongues are knotted and forked.

Through corridors of trees,
descriptive self reflections
of the leaves,
She discovers his values,
Acts of obedience,
while sitting in a tiny oval.

K. Shawn Edgar said...

Hello Bluebell Officials. Please to be having me in your Love in Creativity Project. Thanks. Publish away.

Cosmopolitan Distribution
by K. Shawn Edgar

Story link:

Thank you, Bluebell Folks.


Steve Isaak said...

Hello bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project. (And thanks for the opportunity!)

Full or empty

By Steve Isaak

During the entire flight, Gil, pessimistic “corporate headhunter,” bellyached about “idiots” who made his life harder – which seemed to be everybody.

Gil’s captive audience, the quiet man sitting next to him, became visibly annoyed.

“Why does God let stupid people live?” Gil, drunk, complained.

“Good point,” the man said, poking Gil shoulder, killing him instantly.

Copyright ©2011 Steve Isaak. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce in any form, including electronic, without the author’s express permission.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


I wish to publish my 55 words story by you,

under the circumstances below:

A Box of Mysteries
By Summer Rain

You know ___ is coming,
Your eyes glow,
Your mind does a brief ghost mapping,
You don’t have any ___,
Your followers become restless,
Shuffling like adolescents in a dancing party,
It glitters like ___,
What is it?
Is it sunflowers fresh like morning dew?
Or sunshine in spring rain
that offers hope to almost everything?

Margaret said...

"He Kissed Me"
Margaret Bednar

"He Kissed Me"

He kissed me

and I forgot
we were different
as night and day.

He wasn't "safe",
wasn't "perfect".

His future?
An enthusiastic dream.

I could have gone on and on
about his faults,

but those baby blues
left me speechless

and then
he kissed me.

Well, perfect and safe
never made me feel
like that.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, November 21, 2011

He Kissed Me

Bluebell Books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your "Love in Creativity Project"

If you can, please keep the line spacing the way I have it. Thanks.

Li said...

Bluebell Books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work "The Book Of Angels" self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

The Book Of Angels
By Lisa Vooght

A mother never dreams that one day she'll be choosing a grave monument for her firstborn. At the funeral home, my other daughter exclaims "Pick this statue, it looks like Michelle!" She's right. Then my heart freezes and I slam the book closed; on the next page is an angel which looks just like her.

Flash Fiction Blog

JANU said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project,

My Name - Janaki Nagaraj

Dark, narrow, eerie alley ways
Some lives come alive…
Wretched, born this way
Know nothing else
Living in the now
Surviving a day at a time,
Distressed, desperate
For love…buying it
The only way they know.
Selling- what was once sacred
Now an instrument of
Making money
Gratification for some
Love for sale!!

Emanita01 said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Quick Calculation (Revisted),

By M. Anita "Emanita" Bailey,,

This is a story in 55 words.

"Do the dishes so I can make dinner."

"But Mom, I already did them today!"

"How many times a day do you eat?"
(Grumbles) "I'm NOT doin' dishes EVERY time we eat! Once a day's enough!"


"What's cool?"

"Preparing only one meal a day! By the way, what'll it be: breakfast, lunch or dinner?"

Thank you! Emanita01

Anonymous said...

:), I enjoyed this work in your page, you are helping web people with great things! This web site is much helpfull!
I´m Ana, I was born on Normandie, so I am going to be a follower of this web site, my personal details may be boring but I will tell them off course I love reading as well as sports in general, and I also listen a lot Metallica on my bedroom, I´m single now so boys watch out for me....Just flirting with you guys lol :)! I once tried online dating it didn´t work out very well....
I wrote this comment because as I previously said I really enjoy your page I also have a board just as you, but mine is many different from this, it is about free poker money....:)
I will also have to apologize by my language it is the only way I found to communicate with you....Good evening to you all, Goodbye

Defiant said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

A bit of my life! by Madhumathi,
Blog link:,
Story in 55 words: …She continued saying, “My life is too plain to live. Therefore, I complicate things. I’ve my own secret room, which explains every bit of my life. I took photographs of strangers and made an album. I make a vision of dark forests and wild animals. Change is inevitable; the dream within you is eternal…”.


Thanks for this opportunity Bluebell! ^_^

K. Shawn Edgar said...

Woven night of frantic feathers / addled beaks on the verge of kissing / I quiver at your talons' touch

K. Shawn Edgar

Altonian said...

Hello Bluebell Books, short story slam officials. I agree to have my work self published in your Love in Creativity Project, along with:
Leigh the Altonian,

55 word story:

"Henry do look proud, don't he!"
"He's got a right to. Bloody marvellous
it was! Outnumbered six to one, and
we smashed 'em!"
"They're saying it takes six Frenchies
to walk on one pair of English legs."
"Right enough."
"Where did it happen, again?"
"Some place near a castle. I think they call it

Neni Iryani said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Neni Iryani
Blog link:

Here is A 55 words poem entitled 'The Entrusted Dream':

I have entrusted this dream
to an old train, leaving for the far away sky

Let me pray that this dream
will safely arrive in the far blue sky
and cannot trace the way back home;
for it only causes pain in the heart of mine
to nourish it myself in this earth of mankind

Neni Iryani said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Neni Iryani
Blog link:

Here is A 55 words poem entitled 'The Entrusted Dream':

I have entrusted this dream
to an old train, leaving for the far away sky

Let me pray that this dream
will safely arrive in the far blue sky
and cannot trace the way back home;
for it only causes pain in the heart of mine
to nourish it myself in this earth of mankind

Neni Iryani said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Neni Iryani
Blog link:

Here is A 55 words poem entitled 'The Entrusted Dream':

I have entrusted this dream
to an old train, leaving for the far away sky

Let me pray that this dream
will safely arrive in the far blue sky
and cannot trace the way back home;
for it only causes pain in the heart of mine
to nourish it myself in this earth of mankind

Neni Iryani said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Neni Iryani
Blog link:

Here is A 55 words poem entitled 'The Entrusted Dream':

I have entrusted this dream
to an old train, leaving for the far away sky

Let me pray that this dream
will safely arrive in the far blue sky
and cannot trace the way back home;
for it only causes pain in the heart of mine
to nourish it myself in this earth of mankind

Bradley A. Peraino said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Bradley A. Peraino

"55 words of love and life"

I have been hurt by every woman
loved, save for my sweet wife.
Step by step, we wind our way
thru this maze which we call life.

We have seen our share of joy
and pain; both were accompanied
by tears. Hand in hand, we face the
trials of life and we disregard our

hedgewitch said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Tarang Sinha said...

Nice and challenging concept. I'm trying...

Little dreams burgeoning in shining eyes
Little hopes budding in innocent hearts
Little smile forming a chuckle
Little thoughts transforming into insight
Little joys growing into happiness
Little steps towards blissful future
Loads of love and care
And little opportunities are needed
To preserve sparkling smiles
To create a beautiful tomorrow
For unprivileged little ones

Promising Poets Parking Lot said...

yes, I agree with the term to publish my 55 word story, thanks.

Statue of Liberty
Promising Poets Parking Lot

Recall romance between Ben and Megan
in soap opera at The Sunset Beach,
Neighbor to Princeton University,
Surrounded by world famous celebrity,
Residents at Einstein Drive
definitely thrive:
we retreat at Philadelphia
in Pennsylvania
cross New Jersey Turnpikes,
Via train and subway rides,
We visit New York City,
Statue of Liberty,
Time square,
Book Fair

TALON said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wander said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Entry Title: Uncovering Love
Name in which you wish to appear in the book: Anthony F. Rando
Blog link:

Uncovering Love

So often when I think about you,
It seems that my mind wonders.
Lost, and unable to see the light,
My love, please be a beacon
And shine ever so bright.

It’s not easy
To wander in this world,
And not lose one’s way
But my greatest happiness
Is when I found you.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.


By: Chevrefeuille

A wondrous place. Trees and streets covered with snow. The bright sunlight. Roofs like crystal.
Love is warming our bodies in front of the fireplace.Drinking red wine, eating marshmallows. This is paradise.
Our legs intwined. Lost in each others eyes. Together you and I.

making love
in front of the fireplace -
winter feeling

Chèvrefeuille said...

As an extra comment. In an earlier comment (not yet published) I gave you the name under my short story WINTER FEELING as Chèvrefeuille, that's correct, but I wish to tell you my real name too. Chèvrefeuille is a nom de plume of Kristjaan Panneman. I am a haiku poet from The Netherlands and my contribution to this short story slam is called a haibun. A haibun is prose with haiku.

Sorry for this extra comment.

marit said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project!

Mine is exactly 55 words!

5 AM
by Marit Rogne

I've stayed
too long
trying to devise
a litmus test
for love
like any
great thinker
or madman might

every impetus
every sentence
like a mathematician
with only numbers
to live for

I cannot see
the unseen --
I know this

how am I to believe
you love me
so easily?

Reggie said...

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work self published in your Love In Creativity Project

55 words
Time Share
by Reglandus White

Your time mine is hours
Feelings of passion in air
No one knows save we
It is ours we share

Hearts tell the tale
No one knows
Thump thump thump
Sweat sweet rose

Releasing fruit sensuous
Boilers steaming hot
Warming presence felt
Even tho touch is not

Deep sighs of breaths
Touch of no caress

Reggie said...

I've updated my post and I feel it now has the flow I was looking for...thank you Bluebell Books. It's just like you said...the opportunity to make changes before it becomes final.

Time Share (revised)
By Reglandus White

Your time, mine~are hours
Feelings of passion in air
No one knows, save we
It is ours, we share

Hearts tell the tale,
No one knows
Thump thump thump
Sweat, sweet rose

Releasing fruit sensuous
Boilers steaming, hot
Warming presence felt
Even tho touch, is not

Deep sighs of breaths,
Touch of no caress

Jingle Poetry @ The Gooseberry Garden said...


I am adding one in honoring the gooseberry garden blog link here, in 55 words,

This is The life I wanted
Taylor Boomer
In honoring the gooseberry garden blog link:

This is the life I wanted,
and I could never see:
Detach sour grapes
and disapprove their petulant rebellions,
Unlatch scars
before dubious resentment ruins,
Let metallic billows of darts fuse,
Lessons learned,
Surge in a jolt
with cash in a box brought,
Enjoy staccato of rain,
Let war of bullets exile in your brain.

Promising Poets Poetry Cafe said...

Hello, I agree to publish this 55 word story in honoring the name of Jingle, detailed information is shown below, best wishes.

Austin, Texas Was Great
Promising Poets Poetry Cafe
in honoring Jingle at

Austin, Texas was great
during 1997-2000, especially in 1998,
Charming State Capital,
Friendly Zilker Park,
Popular H-E-B shopping stores,
Plus fascinating University of Texas campus,
Vacations to Dallas, Houston, Forth Worth
prove life's worthiness,
We saw Mrs. Laura Bush
at her 1998 Children's Book Festival,
Free cookies, free books,
plus music, dances,
Life was Perfect!

PS: This post is written in honor of Thursday Poets Rally founder, who started running poets rally back in January, 2010 in her personal blog, and who has lived in Austin, TX during 1997-2000, it is a summary of her experience in 55 words, Mrs. Laura Bush had been first lady to the United States during 2000-2008, she has been a role model to our poet and blogger Jingle who happens to have a Master’s Degree in Education and loves visits to public libraries and enjoys books, has passions in promoting book reading and creative writing in poetry, and children’s literature….Thanks for reading!

keiths ramblings said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

A piece of her heart
by Keith Hillman

She loved him. He was her world, her soul mate; nothing else mattered in her life. They would be as one until eternity she thought, but love is blind they say. One day she awoke and he was gone. When he left he took a piece of her heart. She would never ever love again.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


got a special one, Thanks...

Oklahoma Is More Than Okay, It is Perfect!
Summer Rain

Submitted to Bluebell to Honor Jingle Poetry Community blog link at

Jingle Poetry Community is founded by Jingle in September, 2010, an extension to Thursday Poets Rally, it has huge participating rate, many thanks to all officials who support and make it happen there…


Open space,
Hands on science museums,
Fancy zoos,
Outstanding arts,
and science schools;
Football and Orange peel,
First class state university deal;
Top ten choices in the nation
for best living,
Everything here is fascinating,
Seeing is believing,
So before you frown
or look down,
get yourself going
to the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work 'The Day' self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

The Day
by Michael Warne

As her father flirted with the woman, she laughed. His clean hands, her jewelry shone in the sunlight.
Blue suit hands on red dress.
Here. Now.

She took another drink, looked down at the black dress, pale face, purple skin and wondered and drank again.

Mom a short while away, she left the next day.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project!

If’t Broughten Miled Death be a God

A.B. Thomas

A story in 55 words

In witness harken not
Who wouldst proclaim “lesson taught”
For a away far strike to kill
Tis but in naught tenured skill;
For though blooded shred
Of tissue organ bone
A part by part in strewn lie
In gether hast they die
Whist faceless Grimms
Had their try
Left are none to bemoan in cry

Natalie Sunflowers said...


I agree to publish my 55 via your site,

detailed information is shown below:

Ms. Patricia Young,
How do you do?
As a black single mother
raising a son,
I appreciate what you've done:
You've offered me opportunity
to teach your son unity,
You've made me happy
by being friendly,
Tyrek and Sheng are nineteen now,
I'm sure they will reconnect somehow,
Unbeatable time together,
Sweet memories never wither.

Ms. Patricia Young
Natalie Sunflowers

this is a 55 word story written in honoring

The Poetry Palace Blog link at

Great big thanks to all officials for supporting, hosting, and inspiring!!!!

Thursday Poets Rally stands as an outstanding community, with disciplines on participants via

Agreement (promising poets parking lot),

and features such as The Perfect Poet Award (Ava),
Inspirations of the Week (Blaga and Chimnese),
Participants Talent Show (shape poetry) (Jingle),
\and The Window to the World on Life of a Poet interviews
(Natalie Sunflowers at The Morning Dew),

None of these would happen without inputs from our participants, a big high five to all of the poets in the community for submitting, commenting, inspiring, and demonstrating leadership skills all year long…

Keep up the excellence, everyone!

You Rock!

Promising Poets Parking Lot said...

Hello, bluebell books officials, I agree to publish this 55 word story under the name and details of

Theresa Burke (Austin, Texas)
Promising poets parking lot

Theresa Burke(r),
Taylor Boomer,
They share the same initial,
Because to Taylor, Theresa is special,
From August to December, 1997,
Taylor's life was made Heaven,
Theresa'd given Taylor a teaching assistant
position, with her pregnant
in Austin, Texas as a wife,
What fulfilling life!!!
Deborah was good to Taylor too,
Taylor's blessed, so do You!


Sunset Beach, which is the name of a soap opera I watched during 1996-1997 while I lived in Princeton, New Jersey, during 1997-1998 while lived in Austin, Texas, the beach is set near the coast of California, I especially love the story of Ben and Meg…

I am honoring the blog links below,

Sunset Beach by Taylor Boomer

Promising Poets Poetry Café

JANU said...

This is about my submission "kaleidoscopic Love" submission for 55...well, I forgot to edit the last line. If you remove the last line then the word count is exactly 55.

Shail Mohan said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project.

The rift

by Shail Mohan

He smiled when he heard her humming.

She had been silent and brooding since weeks.

His queries only got monosyllabic answers.

Work pressures, he consoled himself.

He tried to make up by being extra helpful around the house.

The next day he found the note. His smile vanished.

The song had not been for him….

scape said...

Hello Bluebell Books short story slam officials,
I agree to have the following work self published in your Love In Creativity Project,

By Scapelines

Love Maybe

Clumsy, fumbling, midnight errors
Who are you, is this me
Love… huh
Smiles, charms, nerves
So conscious, self, other

Life and days, in and out
Mostly sideways, sometimes lively
Love… habit
Myself, yourself, also us
Surprising time clicking
Love… entwined

Others, visions
Movies, dreams
Love … No
A hand, a touch
Just there

Anonymous said...

Hello, Bluebell Books Short Story Slam officials! I agree to have my work published in the Love In Creativity Project.

by Jennifaye

Some things were better left unsaid
So she wrote yet another poem
It started with “my greatest joy is my greatest pain”
He wouldn’t see it anyway
She poured her heart into every word
Every verse stung

“Take me to Malta to see jellyfish fireworks”
She planned to say
That will be the day

Aya Wilson said...

Hello, Bluebell Books officials,

I agree to publish my 55 word story under the following conditions:

J. K. Rowling Is Graceful (London, England)
Aya Wilson

Today is funny,
My mood is sunny,
I had a magical ride
with world famous figures beside:
J. K. Rowling is graceful,
Amy Tan is thoughtful;
Kate Middleton is charming,
Jennifer Aniston is smiling,
Angelina Jolie and Paris Hilton are quiet,
with Oprah and Maya Angelou being on diet,
We die crying
while enjoy flying...


Greetings from Italy,

I am honoring the most outstanding individual blog links who have been leading at Jingle Poetry Community and Thursday Poets Rally, to make everything well rounded and cool, see details below:

The Purple Tree House by The Purple for doing humor and poetry form prompts; ;)

Sunset Beach by Taylor Boomer for keeping poetry picnic parties going, ;)

The Morning Dew by Natalie Sunflowers for running Thursday Poets Rally perfectly; ;)

Life Is That Easy by Beth Snowflakes for keeping Bluebell Books in beautiful shape; ;)

Too Long A Solitude by Tifiny Moon for sticking to life’s principles in divine senses; ;)


Anonymous said...

Hello, Bluebell Books, I agree to publish my 55 word story here:

Amelia Wilson (Love from Italy)
Tifiny Moon

Amelia and Sheng,
One is pure white and Italian,
Another is Asian
and young,
LOVE in first sight when they met,
What precious gift they have had;
They'd spend soulful time together,
To Amelia, racial difference doesn't matter;
Now they're distanced by locations,
God understands their situations;
Carry faith,
Let love speak and insert grace.


I am honoring the following blogs or online prompts:

Welcome to blogging, Aya Wilson from Italy: you remind me of Amelia Willson…

Love poetry picnics there, keep the place grand:

Poets Rally is super cool, keep the poetry delicious and fun:

Bluebell Books provides short fictions prompts, Thanks for the chance to get published:

Well, The purple tree house has humor and poetry form prompts, lovely learning tools:

Poetry By Bradley Peraino has a special prompt, we salute him for what he does to soldiers:

Ramesh Sood said...

I have posted my 55 and left the link at at 68.. I agree to get this post published..thanks.. Ramesh Sood

Elizena said...

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials. I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Soul Song by Elizena R. Arellano

I waited for hours in our special place. I knew he wouldn’t show up. My Paul was gone; our bed empty and cold. He’d never again wake me with a kiss and a whisper, “Wake up Sleeping Beauty. Let’s make some music.” I rubbed my belly and hummed to the song our music had created.

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell Books officials, I agree to have my 55 words story published by you, best regards.

Audie Murphy (A Real Life Hero To Know)
Iris Murphy

Audie Murphy has been cool:
Fought World War II
at the age of 18 to 22,
He marveled at his work,
He loved his comrades,
He was on Life magazine cover often,
His acting career gave his outstanding talent
another demonstration,
Italy was one of his front lines,
A job well done, with powerful guns.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

Hi, I agree to publish my entry, as the following, I know my original post has more words, I trimmed them to 55 below. Thanks.

Grandma, I Love You!

June Audrey

I kept dreaming of grandma laying still,
with some of her wishes yet to fulfill.
I dreamed of going home,
Feeling eager with bursting foam.
Being unable to see her again,
I was seared with pain.
she was my trust,
Life was a blast.
Now that 19 years has passed,
Peace for you, at last!

Anonymous said...

Hello, i agree to have my story published by you,

Suzy Pen, I admire your courage!
Aya Wilson:

Suzy is a brave woman,
Her beauty is beyond Heaven,
She would do everything or anything
for the people she loves,
Her dedication is outstanding
and reminds me of charming doves,
Suzy enjoys ordinary living,
The grace she shows
to her siblings,
parents, and friends
are extraordinary...
On earth, she shines,
In Heaven, God admires.

Paris Foliage said...


good afternoon, I wish to honor Iris Chang with my 55 word story here, best.

Iris Chang, A modern Heroine Writer on Wars and More
Paris Foliage

Iris Chang,
A woman who deserves a love song:
She had written books
powerful and long,
Her courage and wit
would never frown,
That's that...
she became world famous
after publishing Rape of Nanking,
The content is astonishing
by its rare revealing,
She died young
due to threats or sickness
we don't know but wrong!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Good Day, you can publish my 55 word story shown below,

It is a special tribe on Bill Clinton, here are the needed information:

Bill Clinton (His Influences Are Admirable)
Tifiny Moon

Bill Clinton,
Along with beautiful wife
Hillary Clinton,
lived meaning life
by making world history
via their unbeatable political victory,
He served America two terms,
Improved economy and increased jobs,
He demonstrated leadership skills
in convincing ways,
He cared for troubled soldiers,
even if it means that
they are minorities,
Bill Clinton,
His legacy sings.

Jingle (Aya Wilson) said...

busy today, hope all is well.
here is my presidental contribution to a 55 word story, Thanks for giving us the platform to publish our work.

Gorge W. Bush (A Handsome War President)
Jingle (via Aya Wilson from Italy)

Gorge W. Bush,
A Texas cowboy
who used to own
and operate
American oil company,
has been a powerful president
for the United States of America
most recently,
His wife is charming,
His daughters are loving,
He had fought the wars (on Iraq)
on terrorism,
He had illustrated his ability
to protect American family

Riita Henneberry said...


finally, for the most recent president featured...Thanks for publishing my work.

Barack Obama (A Global Presidential Star)
Riita Henneberry

Mr. Barack Obama,
A romantic president of America,
He has made the world history,
His daughters are promising,
His wife is supportive
and enchanting,
Run for changes,
Work for improvement
to those who earn minimum wages,
Mr. Obama has starred a famous show
in the most challenging stages,
Way to go,
Let your brilliance glow.

Kitty August said...

i am adding JD Henneberry here, everyone deserves a honorable mention, ;)

JD Henneberry
Kitty August

As sweet as strawberry
is a handsome youngster-
J. D. Henneberry,
Son of David and Shida Henneberry,
He is like a brother to sheng:
Shared trips to concerts,
Christmas dinners yearly,
Guitar and Cello Duets,
Co-run for student presidential
positions proudly,
Breakfasts together
before departures,

J. D. makes Sheng smile happily,
The Henneberries are family.

The Cello Strings said...

Thanks for the chance to shine and share our work, here is my tribe for a special friend:

To Trenton Passmore (& Chris Raun, Tom Appreciates Your Love)
The Cello Strings

You and Tom attend the same school,
You do sleepovers,
and watch football games too,
In summertime,
You two go fishing,
and July 4th fireworks displaying,
Your family treats Tom
Thanksgiving lunches yearly,
Oh, Trenton and the family,
Tom is blessed to adore
and explore
life, including basketball
and baseball games
With you,

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

good day, here is my tribe to a lovely individual, Thanks for publishing my work.

Brad Henry (An Invincible Force)
Jingle Belle

A talented individual
in most contemporary history,
Brad Henry has been an invincible force
in fighting natural disasters,
He is everywhere
when Tornado hits his state,
He is with everyone
when secondary school students
desire encouragements,
He supports ordinary citizens,
He deserves a leadership role
to Americans,
with him being a friend,
Joy won't faint.

Suzy said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Title: A Dream of Love
Name: Suzy at Someday Somewhere
Blog link:

A Dream of Love (55 words)

I see you in my dreams

In a cosmic dance that fuses my soul with yours eternally
In perfect symmetry and harmony

Spiralling through space and time
Sometimes apart, yet always together and never too far

There is no greater joy

For my dreams are truly my reality
And loving you is my only destiny.

Leslie Clinton said...

Hello, I agree to publish my work in 55 words vis your officials at any self publishing website, under the information below:

David J. Schmidly (A Texas Longhorn Trail Blazer)
Leslie Clinton!/2012/02/david-j-schmidly-texas-born-trail.html

Born December 20, 1943,
Levelland, Texas,
David J. Schmidly
is an accomplished zoologist
with degrees at Texas Tech University,
He got his Ph. D
University of Illinois,
Oklahoma State University
has been honored for his 17th
presidency from 2002 to 2007,
His major achievement at OSU
is the plan of Athletic Village,
What a genius!

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

good morning:

I wish to have my work published through your efforts, good luck.

Stillwater News Press
Sarah Bush!/2012/02/stillwater-news-press-outlet-for-all-to.html

Stillwater News Press,
An outlet for all to express
opinions, includes local news,
Meet the Pioneers,
OSU sports,
Local sports,
Multimedia, Weddings,
plus letters to editors,
their reports are close
to hearts of Stillwater Residents,
Speech contests, music camps,
summer relief programs,
and more, the paper stands out
and offers everyone
smiling encouragements

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Austrilia,
So thrilled to learn about your efforts, lots of talented writers here, :)

i am happy to share my work with you...

The Daily O’Collegian: An Award Winning University Paper To Know
Grace Henry!/2012/02/daily-ocollegian-award-winning.html

The Daily O'Collegian,
An award winning paper
bonding more than 25,000
students and faculty,
it has distinguished
reports, or representations,
it touches many a student's hearts
by giving opportunities
to minority students
to voice their opinions,
This paper is a gem
out of dedicated OSU students
majoring in journalism,
mathematical science,
or exceptional faculty...

Deborah Schmidly said...

oh, my,

here is a tribe for our current first lady, glad to share my first 55 word story here, feel free to publish it,

Michelle Obama: The Lady Serenity
Deborah Schmidly!/2012/02/michelle-obama-lady-serenity.html

Born on January 17, Black!
Nicknamed "Miche",
"Meesh" skipped second grade,
She preferred Easy-Bake Oven,
She calls him "My Rock",
and works very hard
to promote healthy diets,
her foci are elementary students,
Lawyer is her profession
at the first place,
Becoming first lady carrying serenity
brings her lots of joy
as a genuine celebrity

Jacobean William said...

Now, I have my favorite first lady to share, smiles.

yes, publish my work...:)

Hillary R. Clinton: The Lady Celebrity
Jacobean William

Admired by my Asian hubby
Justin Woo,
Mrs. Hillary Clinton,
Along with her family,
has been my first admired lady
in American history,
I have read her book
"Living History",
Her words are real
and heartfelt,
She had been an authentic beauty
as first lady,
Now she remains a celebrity
to my family
and me...

Anonymous said...

Good evening, I have a special lady to add here, Thanks for the heads up.

Laura Bush: The Lady Liberty
Helen Obama

Mrs. Laura Bush,
She's a lady of liberty,
The books she reads,
The grace she posses,
The peace she brings,
The words she speaks,
Everything she does
appears fabulous!!!
She has firm and elegant
offspring to share,
her girls are intelligent and fair,
The family keeps Texas stand out,
and makes Washington D. C. proud.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I have another tribe to share, thanks...

Madeleine A. Pickens: The Lady Bravery
Iris Murphy

Born March 5th, Lebanon,
Owner of Del Mar Country Club
in Rancho Santa Fe, California,
Widowed in 2000,
Remarried to Thomas Boone Pickens
in 2005, Madeleine A. Pickens
is a daring force
in preserving many a wild horse,
especially those roaming in
Nevada mountain reserves,
She dares to withdraw
her $5 million donation
upon her frustrations...

Anonymous said...

i wish to honor Megan Whalen Turn with my 55 word story, here is the details:

Megan Whalen Turner: The Lady Creativity
Kay Pitt

Mother of three sons,
Married to cognitive scientist
Mark Turner,
Megan Whalen Turner
is an American author of fantasy
fiction for young adults,
She received her degrees in literature
from University of Chicago, 1987,
Her book The Thief
has won Newbery honor award, 1997,
Besides writing, she loves water,
She is a talent of creativity.

Anonymous said...


here is a tribe for someone who may be ordinary, but her beauty is extraordinary....
thanks for publishing my work:

Tara Miller: The Lady Unity
Grace Henry!/2012/02/tara-miller-lady-unity.html

Started dancing experiences at three,
Mother to two playful boys,
Tara Miller is beauty in unity,
She loves her husband dearly
via demonstration on her comments
to him daily,
She embraces women of white, black,
and Asian,
who need attention
from her love,
Her open minded-ness and dancing feet
make everyone around her feel great.

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

good afternoon,
here comes a lady who is superb in serviing her community, best.
Thanks for adding my work.

Janet K. Schmidly: The Lady Diversity
Sarah Bush!/2012/02/janet-k-schmidly-lady-diversity.html

As OSU former First Lady,
Janet Schmidly
was presented with a proclamation
by Brad Henry
proclaiming September 17 as
“Janet Schmidly Day”...
Mrs. Schmidly had exceptional contribution
in supporting diversity efforts
via the OSU Parents Association,
She and her husband had also made
Free Oil Change for Students Day
at the end of each term.

Anonymous said...

Here comes the lady of perfection, she is charming and tal;ented.

Thanks for sharing my work.

Kimberly Ann Henry: The Lady Integrity
Deborah Schmidly!/2012/02/kimberly-henry-lady-integrity.html

Mother to three daughters,
First lady of Oklahoma
from 2003 to 2011,
Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame in 2009,
Kimberly A. Henry has worked
as an educator passing history
knowledge to students,
Currently she serves on Board
of Directors at Oklahoma
Medical Research Foundation
and Jasmine Moran Children's Museum,
Her leadership potential
is obviously outstanding!

Elizena said...

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials. I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Title: An Arellano Blessings
By Elizena R. Arellano

An Arellano Blessing

A soft throaty growl. A small wild animal perhaps?

A giggle, a coo, then the softest skin that God ever created.

A little back rubbed, a burp and a smile.

Eyes closing softly in dreamless sleep.

Resting my cheek against soft downy hair,

I kiss the sweet wrinkle between her eyes.

Landynn, an Arellano blessing.

MISH said...

Brilliant idea Bluebell Books!

I agree to have my 55-word Flash Fiction piece published in your self-publishing project.


NAME which should appear in the book ~ MICHELLE


The envelope was empty. A pencil nestled underneath, whittled down to a mere stump, the lead shavings spread across the chipped, battered surface of the desk like scattered fragments of an elusive dream that once burned fierce and bright, now reduced to nothingness.

They discovered the scratched report card... clutched in his cold, lifeless hands.

Jingle said...


I wish to have my work published by you.

I’m A Jolly Blogger

As solid as a logger,
As sweet as a cheery pie,
I am a jolly blogger,
None is happier than I.
I feel cheerful
Since I’m mindful.
Blogging binge is a pleasant sin,
It has nothing to do with pitfall like gin.
Enjoy what you have,
That’s how bliss shall arrive
At your hard drive.

Jingle said...

Here comes another, Thanks for the time.

A Single Dad

Jim buckled his sick baby in a car seat.
After 5 tries,
He started the engine.
“God helps me, “
Jim murmured,
His wife left him for a richer man,
He became Sam’s mom then,
Jim doesn’t want to remarry yet,
He is not sure he can ever trust another woman in his life again.

Anonymous said...

Good Evening:

got an outstanding newspaper to present here, thanks...

The New York Times: A Leading Mainstream Media To Know
Aya Wilson

Infinitely many times,
Readers from all over the world
love reading The New York Times,
and they get encouraged
when their feedback is considered,
The interactive nature
has made the newspaper popular,
plus their multi-media representations
that are eloquently spectacular,
with attention paid to everyone,
Their services, expertise, and reliability
are visual and well done.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


I am giving your permission to publish my 55 word story on the host of FF 55, thanks.

Who Is Mr. Know It All?
June Audrey!/2012/02/who-is-mr-know-it-all-discover-new.html

Do you know who is Mr. Know It All?
He likes to end his comment with
"Have A Kick-A-Ass Weekend",
and that piece must be in 55
words, he is known as G-man,
So if you wish to receive encouragements
or inspirations from this creative blogger,
Find out where to visit
and read him today.

Leslie Clinton said...

Okay, here comes another one:

Tess at Life At Willow Manor
Leslie Clinton!/2012/02/tess-at-life-in-willow-manor-lady.html

Magpie tale hosted by Tess
is an inspiring online prompt,
I started writing short fiction
not long after her opening,
Now 105 prompts have provided,
with more than 6,000 entries
in stock, every magpie tale is well done,
because magpie tale bloggers
are among the most skilled writers,
And fresh voice is never discouraged...

CC Champagne said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project, along with

Forest Friends,
Cecilia Nohre (CC Champagne),,

When walking through the forest wild
tell me who you see?
A majestic elk,
a sleepy bear
or the wolf who runs free?
Perhaps something smaller,
maybe an ant or a bee?
You need to look around yourself,
take care of who you meet,
and keep your eyes open
when you walk amongst the trees.

Deborah Schmidly said...


i wish to publish this one here: Thumbs up:

Google: The Best Ever Service:
Deborah Schmidly

I love the feel of IT
when I first heard the name G_O_O_G_L_E,
It rhymes with giggle, wiggle...
You can find everything via google,
So blog via,
Make things look handy...
Google IT,
you got to love IT,
A most outstanding tool,
Google makes your dream come true!

June Audrey said...

Good Evening:

I wish to publish my 55 word story here, best regards.

Inlinkz: The Most Powerful Linking Tool
June Audrey

Introduced by Riika,
I have learned the trick of
making the script of inlinkz tool,
They have several options
of inserting the script:
using blogger feature,
or wordpress feature,
it is a linking tool
that I can set time interval
for collections,
I can reset collection time
after the collection already started,
convenient, and easy!

Amy Blecha said...

Good evening, I wish to publish my story in 55 words at your site,

T Boone Pickens: He’s Big Fish
Amy Blecha

Everyone wants to be successful,
Everyone wishes to be beautiful,
How do we measure success
and perceive human beauty?
It depends on individual, I guess,
Thomas Bonnie Pickens
is no dreadful chickens,
He's a big fish,
swimming in Texas oil man's pond,
He has superb contribution
to Oklahoma State University
what unbelievable energy
in technology!

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin Passmore said... Impressive Blogging Feature
Robin Passmore

wordpress comes in, surprisingly,
when Sheng has introduced it,
helping Jingle’s writing,
the concept of blogging
freely is exciting,
To be able to get feedback,
one must find ways to interact,
Jingle's Poets Rally
offers chances like that, has been very
supportive and open-minded,
I'm grateful to their features,
keep up the excellence!

Firefox Poetry at Promising Poets Parking Lot said...

Hello, here, I am adding a talented blogger and artist/writer here...

RiikaInfinityy: The Talent Infinity
Paris Foliage at Firefox Poetry of Promising Poets Parking Lot

RiikaInfinityy comes to Ji(ngle)
while she attends her Thursday Poets Rally,
She has been cooperative and supportive,
She rises like a shooting star
when she tends Jingle Poetry Community bar,
As a self-starter,
She appears a lot smarter
than her peers by template design,
inlinkz discovery and sharing,
back up when needed and more...

Beth Turner said...


Greetings from Taco Bell Poetry,
here is my tribe for you to get published.

Mrs. Danena Hays Has Brightened Jingle’s Days
Beth Turner

During October, 2001 to May, 2003,
Jingle was honored to work
at local Public Schools (Elementary),
she was assigned to at least four,
Each has unique locations
and excellent professions,
She was fixed at Richmond Elementary
after Mrs. Danena Hays called her
under principal Dr. Washington's permission,
Kids are open-minded,
Jingle was noticed and respected...

Viola Cohen said...

Hello, here comes my first submission for your love in creativity submission:

In His Own Words: Love from Robert LIoyd and Poets United
Viola Cohen

Jingle is the epitome of positive.
When our parents told us
if we don’t have anything nice to say
then don’t say anything at all
they never had children like Jingle.
She is the smile
that brightens many a person's day.
Jingle is the mastermind
behind the poetry blog
Promising Poets Parking Lot.

Mish Foster said...


hope that everything goes well, I am contributing a 55 story by a man called Monkay here, Thanks.

A 55 By Monkey Man: Host of Sunday 160
Mish Foster
As he adjusted the brim of his fedora
and turned up his collar
to prevent the heavy rain
from running down his neck,
he saw her.
Red skirt tightly pressed to her curves.
Six inch stilettos
accenting the shape of her calves.
His heart raced,
wondering if he could find those shoes in his size.

Kay Pitt said...

Good Afternoon, here is my other 55 to get published here, great big thanks for the opportunity,

Ji(ngle)Yan(qiu): The Lady Dignity
Kay Pitt

Jingle is the lady dignity
with her talent going to infinity,
Via experiences she has lessons learned,
Through supporters' inspirations,
She has her attitude gained...
She is an individual
who refuses to conduct infidelity,
Which doesn't mean that
She doesn't respect others' choices
as ordinary or celebrity,
No doubt, Jingle loves you, and her family.

The Cello Strings said...

Hello, here is an ode to salt lake city, my family and i used to travel there, enjoyed it, but my 55 is a fiction.

An Ode to Salt Lake City
The Cello Strings

Jim got a job offer at Salt Lake City! A dream comes true!

He grinned BIG as he imaged hiking in snow-covered mountain in July, swimming naked under a cave, and toasting mush-mellows near camping fire...

Lucy wished to follow him, but her mother has breast cancer and needs her...

Thoughts jumble, Lucy couldn't go.

Iris Murphy said...

Good Evening, I am submitting my tribe to a promising boy here, blessings...

For Sheng, The Young “Yoyo Ma” (Cello) and “Dell” (Computer Programming)
Iris Murphy

Sheng is a brilliant soul:
National Merit Finalist,
AP scholar with Distinction,
Co-president of Youth and Government,
NCHO honor orchestra,
all state honor orchestra First chair
during high school years...
His computer skills are outstanding,
He's taught Mom how to scan photos,
How to paint or edit images...
Life is dull without his significant presence.

Grace Henry said...

Good Afternoon:

here is my other contribution...hope that it is okay.

Mozilla Firefox: An Excellent Alternate
Grace Henry

Mozilla Firefox is an internet
supporting tool, The magic is,
one can either Google under Firefox,
or Google under Google Chrome,
The earliest tool is Internet Explorer,
Firefox is an excellent alternate
that comes handy, especially
when Google Chrome is down,
And Google Chrome is perfect
when blogs or domains
are associated with Gmail accounts.

Grace Henry said...


here comes one of my favorite sitcoms, used to watch a lot with my kids, Bart, Lisa, ..they are fun to know...

The Simpsons: One of My Favorite Sitcoms On TV
Grace Henry

Why am I suddenly a sitcom,
with drafted scripts,
yellow round eyes
that I can't see?
No one takes me seriously,
why don't I have a voice?
I'm a sitcom in someone's living room.
They watch my show,
I have to face the empty darkness
when a boy decides to switch to a football game.

Sarah Bush said...

Hello, here is another to get published, thanks...

Yahoo: A User Friendly Life Time Tool
Sarah Bush

My first email account is on Yahoo,
My family uses Yahoo maps a lot
before we use GPS, I still prefer it
because using a printed traveling
direction makes vacations easier,
especially when the destination
is a place that is too remote
to be detected by the satellite,
I like Yahoo,
A dream comes true,

Leislie Clinton said...

Hi, I am letting you to publish my 55 word story on PBS today ...

Barney and Friends on PBS: The Window To The World
Leslie Clinton

Kids in America watch PBS,
They learn ABC's from Sasame Street,
what I have enjoyed most
is Barney and Friends,
Barney is a big red dinosaur,
and his friends are a group of
kids, including black, white, Asian,
and Mexican, Parents may
join for a special cast,
B. J. and Baby Bop are adorable blast!

Jacobean William said...

good evening, making this tribe for Tom, he is a special gift to us.

To Tom, You Rock! Love You Always!
Jacobean William

God makes his decisions,
Music hovers on wide, curious oceans,
Tom is the gift of God,
In great satisfaction, we nod:
He can walk at age ten,
He can ride a bike without a handle bar,
In Kindergarten coloring contests,
Among hundreds, second place, he wins,
VIP, baseball, swimming,
and more, Tom's future is promising...

Anonymous said...

my first time here, thanks.

Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University: A Dream Place for Musicians To Be!
Tonya Harris!/2012/03/bienen-school-of-music-at-northwestern.html

Did you ever know a place
that provides you love, music,
and inspirations to all?
To me, Bienen School of Music
at Northwestern University
is that place to be,
They have outstanding program
that attracts many young musicians,
They know who is who,
If you are gifted and true,
They will love and promote you.

Anonymous said...

okay, here is mine,

Physical Plant: Services to Keep Business Grand
Trisha Miller

Everyone has a dream,
Some are big,
some are small,
People who work at Physical plant
Services are important
to keep the business grand,
Trained workers have exceptional
contributions, doing bus driving,
airing, used materials recycling,
and classrooms, restrooms cleaning.
They work from 5 am to 2pm,
They remove snow to make classes resume.

Anonymous said...

hohoho, i wish to publish my 55 story here...


Summer arts Institute: A Kingdom for Creativity to Constitute
Helen Obama

Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute,
A kingdom for arts to constitute,
and continue, with High school minds,
Selected and high profiled professionals,
Beauty and creativity
in drawing, performing arts,
and orchestra keep blooming
and growing like volcanos,
Apply and fancy about IT NOW,
Get honored by Oklahoma Governor directly,
You got to feel proud of IT!

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

well, here is another tribe to be in.

Stillwater Public Library: A Magic Carrying Fantasy
June Audrey

Stillwater Public Library,
A fantastic magic for readers,
discover arts, and cherish words
that carry sentiments and imagery,
It's a irresistible attraction
that always brings one great satisfaction,
Librarians at circulation desks are friendly,
Computers, books, magazines are stocked, lovely,
I've learned about Helen Keller via Biography,
I've inspired by Amy Tan in handsome satisfactory.

Anonymous said...

Good evening, a special tribe, enjoy!

Beijing Power Management Company: U R a Gift of Gem
Trisha Miller

A full time job loaded with Government
directly sponsored programs at Beijing,
Data entry position is rare
during 1990 to 1993, Internet
is made by telephone call,
Not busy until end of the month,
Time spent with co-workers
chatting, while having a sip of tea,
Best friends, and lots of bonus,
Life had been Heaven!!!

Jingle (Aya Wilson) said...

Hello, I am adding my piece here:

Microsoft Word Is A Superb Tool
Jingle under Aya Wilson

Microsoft Word is a superb tool,
Complete functional features,
it reminds me of a grocery store,
Where one sight seeing
and takes whatever one needs,
In the end, stories are done,
What fun to see WORD Trees,
Microsoft Word has strict rules,
Power point is other bids,
Modern life is dull
without this essential tool.

Robin Passmore said...

good day, here comes mine:

Syllable Counter and Word Count Is Reliable
Robin Passmore

Syllable counter & word count function,
What a reliable conjunction!
It's the air
you breathe in the atmosphere,
You won't feel the importance
of it until it's removed from you,
Let's sing a song
2 celebrate life's precious gift,
You have to keep it handy
and let it stir your cooking pot
with something extremely

Beth Turner said...

Hi, here is mine to be in:

The School of Teaching & Curriculum Leadership: Thanks for The Support!
Beth Turner

"The School of Teaching and Curriculum Leadership
prepares educational professionals
to work with diverse populations
in various settings.
we generate knowledge,
promote learning and understanding,
foster personal and professional growth
through teaching, research, service, and outreach."
A big thank you goes to Dr. Jordan,
Professors Dr. Pam Brown, Dr. Kate Perry, and Dr. Hongyu Wang.

Anonymous said...

Hello, here is my contribution:

Denise McClurg Kenna: Still A Musical Queen
Ashley Kable!/2012/03/denise-mcclurg-kenna-still-musical.html

Denise McClurg,
She teaches piano lessons,
She orchestras string classes
at local middle schools,
She is sweet and tall,
If you ask her for help,
she would cheer up,
saying, "Yelp!!"
Budding musicians are encouraged
to participate summer programs
at Arkansas State University,
Where everyone meets new talent
and enjoys the fun in music beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon:

here is my support to you, best wishes.

Chelsea Clinton: Princess of The United Nation
Famous Poetrywear at Little Rock!/2012/03/chelsea-clinton-princess-of-united.html

Chelsea Clinton,
The princess of the United Nation,
She carries quality, beauty,
and intelligence abundantly,
She seems shy,
which makes her look elegant,
I know she loves her hubby,
and her world famous family,
Her potential goes to infinity
if she is allowed to showcase
her inner strength and authority,
Keep it up,
Thumbs up!

H. E. B. Poetry at Italy said...

hohoh, my contribution is here.

FedEx Kinko’s Makes A World Differences Via Their Servies
H. E. B. Poetry At Italy

FedEx Kinko's,
A place for faxing, and more...
This place makes a world difference.
In my personal case,
I need someone oversea
to get my academic transcripts notarial certification,
The agency oversea needs my personal signature,
So I have used Kinko's to fax my permission slip,
It is done within a few minutes,
How divine!

Anonymous said...

Hello, here comes my 2nd take.

Scott Jackson: The String Instructor King
Tonya Harris!/2012/03/scott-jackson-string-instructor-king.html

As Stillwater High School Booster Club
founder, Stillwater Junior High
and High School string instructor,
Mr. Scott Jackson has been a musical King,
At New York City Performing Arts Center,
His students and he shine,
He instructs and conducts, handsomely,
He cares about students thoughtfully,
As a music major,
He is a symbol of victory.

Amy Blecha said...

Hi, I got my second take, smiles.

Gao Is A Family (Friendship from Beijing)
Amy Blecha

A true friend is someone
who lends a hand
to the one who needs help,
Hongjian Gao,
is such a friend to somebody,
She invites her for Independent Day dinner,
She includes her for photograph opportunity,
She pays to help her get her grade reports
from the capital city...
To her, Gao is a family.

Riika Henneberry said...

here is mine, thanks.

William Bus Jaco: The Open-minded Celebrity
Riika Henneberry

Someone told me
that William Jaco is somebody,
Kind, caring, and funny,
especially when it comes to topology,
I took it seriously,
When I saw him in person eventually,
what I hear and see make me happy,
He is an open-minded celebrity,
He has intelligence, and energy
that can explode like an atom, just kidding.

Elizena said...

Hope you don't mind, but I'm posting one more. Like the others this is really close to my heart.

Hello, Bluebell Books short story slam officials. I agree to have my work published in your Love In Creativity Project.

Title: Savaged
By Elizena R. Arellano

I laughed, sobbed, hiccupped, then threw up. My legs were gone! I hated this disease. Shouldn’t have walked around barefoot, but who would have known that what was merely bothersome for others, could almost kill someone else.
Ok enough! Time to pull myself up by my bootstraps and move on. Diabetes will not defeat me!

Anonymous said...

Hello, here comes my special contribution, thanks.

Justin Woo: He Deserves Continued Support
Ashley Kable!/2012/03/justin-woo-he-deserves-continued.html

Justin is someone who
never gives up trying to
make one's dreams come true,
An applied Mathematician,
He is supportive to
all who grows passion
for mathematical satisfaction,
Beside that he loves his children,
and with hundreds of papers published
and well written,
plus talks professionally given,
He deserves continued support
and cognitive scientist mention.

Deborah Schmidly said...


here comes my contributions.

Yingcong Tan: A Special Gift in Friendship
Deborah Schmidly

Yingcong Tan and Jingle each had a son
going to Bryker Woods Elementary
in Austin, 1998 when they first met,
Tan's profession in Beijing is modeling,
she enjoys cooking delicious food to share
and gives Tom very special attention,
They wrote each other after Jingle left Texas.
She remembered to send gift for Tom's birthday...

Leslie Clinton said...

agree to be published, smiles.

A Turning Point In High School
Leslie Clinton

High school was stressful for students,
Jingle'd spent all of her time studying
subjects related materials, she didn't
realize the concept of jealousy
until this teacher brought a newspaper
to class, showed an article to students:
Jealousy can be understood and handled...
After that, Jingle stopped blaming herself
for being picked sometimes...
what helpful realization.

Famous Poetrywear At Little Rock said...

Church Friends Constitute Special Memories
Famous Poetrywear At Little Rock!/2012/03/church-friends-constitute-special.html

Introduced by Yingcong Tan,
Jingle made it to Austin University church
for quite a few months
before they moved away from Austin,
Allen and Jiahui is a couple there,
Who came from Taiwan,
Surprisingly, the couple instantly
like Jingle and her hubby,
They became good friends,
had heart-to-heart talks,
and invited each other for dinners...

Ashley Kable said...

Hello, I am here for my 3rd one.

A Poet Is Born Because The Teacher Encourages!!!
Ashley Kable!/2012/03/poet-is-born-because-teacher-encourages.html

OSU Family Resource Center offers
Learning English As A Second Language programs,
One of the teachers called Marie Hesser
had been superb to Jingle,
She always gave her cheerful responses,
gentle smiles, and calm faith...
Jingle felt very encouraged
and wrote her a poem in May, 2001,
with gratitude.
Her letter was framed by Hesser.

Mish Foster said...

Good Morning,

here is my submission for publishion.

Joel Stein from Time: Your Humor Is Marvelous!
Mish Foster

TIME magazine is homely:
The Awesome Column by Joel Stein says:
"The Wu-Stein Clan. When picking
godparents for our son,
we realizes blood is thick-
Ben Wu is thicker."
Joel's college friend
Ben Wu and wife Kristin More
From San Francisco were honored,
First choice for Joel's son Laszlo...
Page 84, on November 30, 2009!

Maria Young said...

hello, I am submitting mine:

Jamie Dedes: She Is Outstanding Official to Jingle Poetry
Maria Young

At Jingle Poetry community, (9/11/2010-8/12/2011)
Jamie Dedes is one who always posts on time,
pays close attention to other officials,
and conducts interviews in profound,
and professional manner, She's served
at Bluebell Books, Poets Rally as official too,
she's impressed all very beautifully,
plus, her dedication and talent
are convincingly outstanding.

Viola Cohen said...

hi, here is mine:

Meredith Blecha: The Cello Fairy
Viola Cohen

I love her charm
when Mrs. Meredith Blecha
first comes to my sight,
Assistant professor at
Oklahoma State University,
Blecha is a cello fairy,
She finds many ways to have her cello
students motivated or engaged,
She's flexible about lesson schedules,
and her talent is exceptional.
Bless her new born daughter...
Keep up the excellence!

Amy Blecha said...


I am submitting my last one, thanks.

Hands Abroad and Special K(ay)
Amy Blecha

Hands Abroad
at University Heights Baptist Church
has been lovely to spouses new
to Oklahoma State university,
TOEFL instruction by Dr. Kay Baker
is one of their impressive programs,
Free of charges, coffee breaks,
Sewing, speaking classes too,
Everything is cool.
Laura Wilder is someone I love
via Baker's little house books,
Baker appreciates incentives.

Tonya Harris said...

perfect, I am done with Dr. Gayla Foster.
she is cool.

Dr. Gayla Foster: The Piano Angel
Tonya Harris!/2012/03/dr-gayla-fosterthe-piano-angel.html

Dr. Gayla Foster is a piano angel,
The rhythms of her words of instruction
are very soothing and constructive,
She has patience, skills, and attitude
to keep budding pianist interested
in continued learning and competing.
Parents and students shall feel blessed
to have Dr. Foster as their trusted
piano mentor and instructor...
Keep students smiling...

Anonymous said...

hi, got a guy who is truly worthy the salt.

Michael Jordan: MVP Indeed
Aya Wilson

Michael Jordan from Chicago Bulls
is an inspiration to Black,
yellow, or white,
what impresses us is his spirits,
He does not give up his hope to win
even if there is only 16 seconds left,
He has helped Chicago Bulls get
six championships and made world
history, MVP indeed,
He's well known in Italy.

Anonymous said...


lots of stuff here.

Stillwater Public Schools: Beautiful community Showcase
Helen Obama

Stillwater Public Schools’
spirits on academic, music, sports
are super professional and eye opening,
visiting their website helps,
Contacting their school office
is heart-warming, from what one can see,
Students are extremely disciplined
and highly motivated, I always
see motions, smiles, and order.
Anyone who visit them shall be satisfied
by their beautiful community showcase.

Iris Murphy said...

hello, I have one more.

Black Love: Thanks for Being A Good Neighbor
Iris Murphy

Resident at 2119 August Street,
is a black family with
two kids about Tom's age,
They’re friendly,
On snow days, Tom would spend
lots of time playing snowball
fights with them,
or stay inside their home for hours,
playing card or video games,
what special mingling,
Beautiful friendship and love,
Bless them, way to go.

Anonymous said...

Angelina Jolie: The Angel of Quality
Tonya Harris!/2012/03/angelina-jolie-angel-of-quality.html

Angelina Jolie is a movie star
who adopts kids near and far,
She embraces black and Asian
despite the fact that
she's white, sexy, and kind.
while many might enjoy the gossips
on her relationship with Brad Pitt,
Others admire her courage
in fostering intentional relations,
including supporting troops.
Angelina is an angel of quality.

Anonymous said...

agree to get published.

The Wall Street Journal: Berry Creek Has Won IT!
Blaga Between Beijing and Memphis!/2012/03/wall-street-journal-berry-creek-has-won.html

The Wall Street Journal,
Delivered to us daily free of charge,
quite interesting factor to know.
The headlines are quite catching,
The content is comprehensive and interesting.
It is very encouraging for you
to offer us such informative paper.
I looked at the name of delivery,
It says: Sheng Woo,
well, he has won it.

Lisa Mills said...

Hello, here is my first tribe.

Jerry Bona: We Honor Your Friendship!
Lisa Mills!/2012/03/jerry-bona-we-honor-your-friendship-and.html

The first time I saw Jerry Bona
is at his Austin house, where
he hosts a dinner party, with his
Chinese student cooking
spicy Sichuan noodles,
Later, Justin and I had dinner
with Jerry and his Italian wife
a few times, we had fun talking...
I attended spouse program hosted
by the wife, she's sweet.

Lisa Mills said...

Here is mine:

Oklahoma Youth Orchestras: The American Eagle
Lisa Mills!/2012/03/oklahoma-youth-orchestras-american.html

Oklahoma Youth Orchestras
is a program in honoring and
encouraging young musicians,
They have weekly Monday night
practices sessions,
Three seasonal concerts
each term, Bob is a handsome
guy who is considerate, and
self disciplined, Both Sheng
and Tom enjoy their time there,
and are recognized by their talent,
check out auditions for Fall today.

Lisa Mills said...

here is another:

To Julie and Sandy: You Can Make Life A Celebrity!
Lisa Mills!/2012/03/to-julie-and-sandy-you-can-make-life.html

It's time for a special family,
Dr. Wright taught me Algebra,
Dr. Mantini educated me
mathematical instruction,
I may not have performed good enough
to their satisfaction,
But I DO like Julie and Sandy,
Great big thanks to Dr. Mantini
for teaching Sheng and Sandy Calculus I,
I knew that it's a job well done!

Jamie Brown said...

hi, i wish to get published here, ;)

I Miss You, Asian Grandpa!
Jamie Brown!/2012/03/i-miss-you-asian-grandpa.html

At the times when money is scare,
you figured out a way to work hard,
and self help yourself, plus giving me
special incentives, I still recall times
listening to your riddles while lying in bed,
with a family of three generations
talking in the dark, in separated rooms,
passing wisdom and knowledge...
Peace, Grandpa!

Jamie Brown said...

To Mom’s Dad: You Are A Magical Dream Weaver!
Jamie Brown!/2012/03/to-moms-dad-you-are-magicial-dream.html

You appeared magical and cool,
and you knew how to weave bamboo baskets,
or baby carriages, I felt impressed
to see you cut the bamboo trees
from our family backyard,
take off the branches,
smooth the skins, slice the cone,
then make a basket right
in front of my eyes.
What talented dream weaver, grandpa.

Jamie Brown said...

To Justin’s Grandpa: Life Was Hard, But You Do Survive!
Jamie Brown!/2012/03/to-justins-grandpa-life-was-hard-but.html

As part of my family,
Justin had mentioned YOU to Me, As a nationalist
who fought World War II
and civil war,
you remained at the Mainland
while your peers fled to Taiwan,
Being jailed a few years
for being a nationalist,
Life was hard, but you do survive.
I bless you, peace and love.

Jacobean William said...

yes, publish this.

Waystationone: you definitely deserve fame!
Jacobean William

Among more than two thousands of poets
who blog online, Waystationone
is the only one
who carries humanity deep enough
to stand beside Jingle, telling the public
that he has been part of her online family:
Jingle admirably appreciates his honesty,
courage, and generosity...
A toast for him,
Jingle believes that
he definitely deserves fame.

Missy Storm said...

Hello, agree to have my story published.

Deborah: You Are Special
Missy Storm!/2012/03/deborah-you-are-special.html

Deborah is someone special,
Jingle met her when she was working
at Austin as teacher's assistant,
Deborah came, a guitar in hand,
She'd attended The World Women's Conference
in Beijing, 1995, and determined
to make friends with Asian individuals,
Thus she invited Jingle to lunch,
Introduced Jingle to her Mexican husband,
She has a daughter...

Missy Storm said...


Bradley Peraino: The Wounded Worrier Project Hero!
Missy Storm!/2012/03/bradley-peraino-wounded-worrier-project.html

Bradley Peraino wished to do his project
called The Wounded Worrier, with theme on
Military, Soldiers, Veterans, or poetry
dealing with physical, mental,
and emotional healing…It turned out that
the process of learning, and writing
on military was quite rewarding, Jingle's found
out about her Italian grandfather and discovered
many American heroes and heroines.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Poets and Officials: You Are The Best!
Taylor Boomer

Let me say thanks,
It's not easy to run a community,
But I tried, and you helped,
Through thin and thick,
We have become both friends
and enemies, we love and hate,
we smile and cry,
Life is hard for all,
Let's pray, find inner strength,
and continue rock and roll!
You Are The Best!

Missy Storm said...

Steven Federle: Your Presence Has Added Much Cheers!
Missy Storm!/2012/03/steven-federle-your-presence-has-added.html

Steven Federle,
Thanks for joining poetry picnics.
Your presence has added so much cheers
among poets who come as participants,
your poetry on various subjects are
amazingly written, keep it up!
Thanks for adding joy to
Thursday Poets Rally, your contributions
to short story slams, The Purple Treehouse
poetry form and humor prompts are superb!

Anonymous said...

yes, please do publish my work.

Peter Constantin: We Treasure Your Sunshine Support!
Jessica Sharp

Peter Constantin comes from Roma,
The handsome professor admitted Justin Ph. D.
Within four years, and helped Jingle’s family
With two jobs with one application,
They had dinner at Chicago Chinatown,
His daughter loved knowing Sheng (1996),
He treated the family Pizza while in London (2000),
And celebrated his sixty birthday in Xian,, China (2011),

Abby Jaco said...


Blessings to Those Who Show Love Without Goals
Abby Jaco!/2012/03/blessings-to-those-sho-show-love-to-all.html

Something keeps bothering me,
I ignore, not because of jealousy,
but subjectivity of somebody,
I never beg for glory,
So it's silly for someone to purposely
create divinity, let Jesus decide,
I simply wish to keep my eyes open wide,
and send BLESSINGS to those
who come close,
and show love to all, without goals.

Abby Jaco said...

yes, agree,

Peter M. A. Sherwood: The Soulful Leader To Be Better Understood
Abby Jaco!/2012/03/peter-m-sherwood-soulful-leader-to-be.html

Dean of College of Arts and Sciences,
Subject area related to Jingle
on Materials Science,
Sherwood is outstanding
in research, leadership, and manhood.
He always makes sure Justin be taken
good care of, and has been diligent
in leading the college to more
comprehensive level, sorry to hear that
he has lost his beloved wife,

Anonymous said...

here comes another: It Reminds Me of Birding Chirping!
Jessica Sharp!/2012/03/twittercom-it-reminds-me-of-birds.html

Initially, I had fears to get on twitter,
Riika opened an account for Jingle Poetry,
Not bad, a new way to promote,
I eventually begin to do twitter
after Aleza resigned from JP twitter account
with more than three hundreds followers in,
I enjoy it, fast, easy, and charming,
It reminds me of birds chirping...

Jessica Sharp said...

here it goes again, thanks.

Britney Spears: She Is My Favorite Pop Singer!
Jessica Sharp!/2012/03/britney-spears-she-is-my-favorite-pop.html

Britney Spears,
her innocence and purity give all
thunder alike cheers,
her life has ups and downs,
but she refuses to die young,
people always remember her sweet voices,
and she is one of my favorite
pop singer choices,
she has grown strong,
she will enjoy life, and sail along.
I love her, she rocks.

Anonymous said...

Can I still submit a 55-er (fiction). This is the link:

Anonymous said...

Hello, bluebell books short story slam officials, I agree to have your work self published in your Love In Creativity Project

Title of your entry: Sparkling Eyes

Name in which you wish to appear in the book: Pallavi

Blog link:

A story in 55 words:

The children chatted excitedly, as the rains lashed.
Sofia waited quietly for Nanny.
She looked up. Her eyes sparkled.
She ran towards the woman and hugged her tight.
The woman pushed her away.
‘I only came because it is raining. Can’t come everyday Okay?’ she snapped.
‘Yes Mummy’, Sofia whispered.
The sparkle had disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Pick-up time. The children chattered excitedly, as rains lashed.

A little girl quietly waited for Nanny.


She looked up, surprised. Her eyes sparkled.

She ran and hugged the woman.

The woman pushed her away.

‘I only came because its raining. Can’t come everyday Ok?’ she snapped.

'Yes Mummy' Sofia nodded.

The sparkle had disappeared.

Anonymous said...

hello, yes, publish this 55.

Dr. Alan Noell: He Is Extremely Pro when It Comes To Real Analysis
Lexi Wu!/2012/03/dr-alan-noell-he-is-extremely-pro-when.html

A good student knows that
she can’t get
what she doesn't deserve,
or expect grade carve,
Dr. Noell loves helping students,
yet is strictly pro
when it comes to real analysis,
or related math courses,
"The Bergman Kernel Function"
is the creative component I wrote
under him, deep, focused, and
his instruction is impressively awesome!

Anonymous said...

hello, here is another:

Dr. Wang Yanqiu Is Very Easy To Work With!
Lexi Wu!/2012/03/dr-wang-yanqiu-is-very-easy-to-work.html

Dr. Wang is very easy to work with,
She knows programming, and always on the lookout
to explain, suggest, and clarify concepts
that are vague to students, Jingle has taken
at least two courses with her, truly enjoyed
her intelligence, she's phoenix.
Glad that the name Yanqiu is connected to Jingle,
Way to go, JingleYanqiu...

Lexi Wu said...

Michelle Kwan: The Figure Ice Skating queen
Lexi Wu!/2012/03/michelle-kwan-figure-ice-skating-queen.html

Watched Michelle Kwan on TV,
Read about her success
on figure ice skating
career via biography,
Flowers, Cheers, Tears,
medals, cash, and praises,
these become normal to Michelle
in the United States,
Parents' dedication,
plus Michelle's natural talent
on figure ice skating,
Glad to know what she has done,
She has made Asian population proud.

Jessica Sharp said...

yes, add me in, ;)

Yao Ming: His Contribution To Basketball Is Magnificent!
Jessica Sharp!/2012/03/yao-ming-his-contribution-to-basketball.html

Being born in P. R. China,
with TALL body and talent,
Yao Ming is well know
in the United States
He is the focus of NBA on NBC
when basketball games are on,
He has made history,
He has serious body injury,
and he continues to play...
His dedication is excellent,
His contribution is magnificent.

Abby Jaco said...

yes, agree to have my 55 published.

Ziyi Zhang: The Movie Star With A Heart!
Abby Jaco!/2012/03/ziyi-zhang-movie-star-with-heart.html

Ziyi Zhang began to impress me
after she spent more than a week
collecting money from foreign
friends she knows after China's
biggest earth quake early 2008,
Overall, I like Zhang,
she is a star with heart,
and her talent in carrying out
multiple roles as Chinese,
Japanese, and so on is evident,
Thumbs up!!!

Jamie Brown said...

Popular Science Magazine: The Fantastic Figure in Sciences and More
Jamie Brown!/2012/03/popular-science-magazine-fantastic.html

Popular Science magazine is cool,
There are many scientific and creative
feature inside for all of you,
It has updates on the most recent
advancement of nature, space,
earth, technology, including
products and productions such as
iphone, ipod, cars, and airships...
what impresses you most is
warships and the informative
editions can make you smart.

Anonymous said...

hi, add me and publish it.

Shawn Pen: Thanks for Being A Supportive Brother
Issabelle P.!/2012/03/shawn-pen-thanks-for-being-supportive.html

It's a good thing that
you've established a family
with your newly wed wife,
your younger sister Suzy and
you are taking good care of
the aging parents,
Appreciate that you are the first
one who bought Jingle's self published
books, you're supportive
and intelligent, a rising star,
you are blessed by Jesus, from afar.

Anonymous said...


here comes another...

Princess in London: She Adds Charm and Beauty to All of Us!
Aya Wilson

London, England is cool to visit,
Chinatown is big,
Attractions are absolutely beautiful,
love the Queen's garden,
a field of roses in June, Boom....
Kate Middleton is perfect for princess
to prince William, she has sweet smiles,
natural soft presences...
love the big red double decker buses,
Glad that J. K. Rowling lives there too!

Anonymous said...

here comes another:

Asya Pritsker: The Noiseless Cuckooclock
Iris Murphy

Heard your name in class from your Dad,
Out of curiosity,
did research on you via internet,
You did great,
at Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics,
Then bumped into your blog,
read your experiences in Germany,
actually, loved reading it,
the descriptions are vivid and fun,
Blessings, to you
and to your little brother.

Anonymous said...

yes, publish it.

Jennifer Aniston: The Lady Purity
Leslie Clinton

Regardless what happens to Jennifer in life,
She stays put and unaffected,
Losing Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie
has made her grow strong,
actually, got lots of romances
with other guys she deserves,
She is the lady of purity,
like the lotus flower,
she lives in a pond,
but graces the world like spring air!

Sarah Bush said...

Panama Project Involving Sheng: Direct quotation from Northwestern University
Sarah Bush

"Teams from ESW-NU enjoy implementing
photovoltaic systems
of Santo Domingo and Santa Librada.
In March 2011, solar panel
systems were installed in the homes
of five Santa Librada families.
and the team is developing ways
to make the systems
financially sustainable, so that
more homes and more communities
are benefited from it in the park."

Anonymous said...

yes, add mine!

Barbara Bush and Jenna Hager: The Princesses with Double Grace
Grace Henry

Born twin sisters with grandfather
George Herbert Walker Bush
and father George Walker Bush
as former presidents of the United States,
Jenna Hanger (Married) and Barbara Bush
have been admirable in their youthfulness
and promising talents, Barbara Bush supports
gay marriage, how brave,
Love seeing them via media sources,
keep up the wit and brilliance!

Anonymous said...

yes, publish it.

Bristo Palin: The Princess of Love and Bravery
Deborah Schmidly

Bristo Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin,
love her bravery in becoming a single Mom,
at times, the cherishing of life
is more important than reputations,
glad that she has been honest,
and decided to give birth to her child.
So thrilled that she went to Hollywood,
and got featured many times
for simply being herself.

I. P. said...

yes, agree to publish my work.

Jintao Hu: Please Open Doors for Talks
Famous Poetrywear at Little Rock!/2012/03/jintao-hu-he-shall-open-his-doors-to.html

I love the United States of America,
Because it offers opportunities
to everyone, and everybody...
Jintao Hu has been on top 100
of Time Magazine,
He is respected in America...
When issues arise, time to meet
and comprise,
Hu shall open his doors
to Hillary and Obama,
Everything shall
be resolved by end of May...

Helen Obama said...

yes, agree to get my other entry.

Tiger Woods: The King of Golf
Helen Obama

Watched Tiger Woods playing Golf
on TV after coming to America
19 years ago, it occurs to me that
He is 100% in it, I mean,
Golf to him is a piece of cake,
He is the King of Golf indeed,
Who don't wet their shoes
While walking on the shore,
Stay cool! Bless you!

June Audrey said...

Hi, here comes Peter Willow, he is an open-minded guy.

Peter Willow: The Taxi-Driver Who Delivers Love
June Audrey

Sihe (Peter) Willow
is Jingle's brother-in-law, Suzy's hubby,
He is a Taxi-driver,
In 2007, he picked Jingle's family of four
up from Beijing Airport,
treated them classical dinner,
drove them to The Great Wall of China,
and warmly sent them to Beijing airport
when they were leaving, sending Sheng
and Tom cash gifts, and more...

Mish Foster said...

hi, here comes mine again, thanks.

The Owner of Super Cao Nguyen: Founder to Academic All-State Winners!
Mish Foster

Super Cao Nguyen is one of the best Asian
Food-MART in Oklahoma and across the nation,
clean environment, fresh vegetables,
live fish, authentic tea and other spices...
Everyone shall visit the place, 2668 N. Military,
Oklahoma, 73106,(405)525-7650.
The owner is the direct founder to Sheng in 2010,
one of the Academic All-state Winners.

Viola Cohen said...

here is mine, many thanks.

Yao Pen and Yuan Pen: The Cousins Who Truly Care!
Viola Cohen

Yao Pen is closest cousin to Jingle,
Yuan Pen, male cousin,
They have college degrees,
While Sheng and his family
visiting Jingle’s parents,
Penny Pen and Sammy Yan had this huge
party, Yao took Sheng and Tom to her house,
made a bottle with 500 lucky stars in it
for Sheng, what a precious memory.

Amy Blecha said...

Jackie Chan: The Superman to Kungfu Movies!
Amy Blecha

Growing up loving Kungfu movies,
Felt like home whenever hearing the name
of Chan Long (Chan Dragon),
Rush Hour was on TV commercials
long before it was up,
Tom and Jingle watched all of his
American movies, Ruch Hour I, II, and III,
Breath taking actions from him,
He genuinely adds pride
to Asian population...

Trisha Miller said...

Amy Tan: The Most Inspiring Asian American Writer
Trisha Miller

The Joy Luck Club showcases Chinese
traditions and stories, and it is popular,
Jingle reads all of Amy's books once
discovering its authenticity,
and the twists, the sadness of Chinese women
and their marriage come haunting, the way
they haunt and inspire Amy, her biography
was represented by Jingle as
her Advanced Literature class project...

Ashley Kable said...

yes, post mine.

Vicki Zhao: The Diamond Chinese Movie Star
Ashley Kable!/2012/03/vicki-zhao-diamond-chinese-movie-star.html

Jingle bumped into Vicki's movie series
by chance via You-tub, she was instantly
drawn into the drama, because it involves
the King, the princesses, and their lovers
who are either prince or someone important,
the wit, humor, kungfu actions,
creepiness, and emotional struggles
are mind blowing, Vicki is a playful
and charming princess in it.

Beltsky Burke said...

hi, agree to publish it.

Aihua Xie: The Powerful Thinker in Physics
Beltsky Burke!/2012/03/aihua-xie-powerful-thinker-in-physics.html

Aihua Xie is a professor at Physics
whose American husband happens
to be in the same area,
She's a dedicated researcher
and powerful thinker,
Jingle knew her via
Stillwater Chinese Language School,
She advocates reforms
and recommended Jingle
to be Chinese School Principal
during Fall, 2002,
Please get to know her,
She has a daughter.

Missy Storm said...

Dr. Tao Li: A Talented Scholar at Boston College
Missy Storm!/2012/03/dr-tao-li-talented-scholar-at-boston.html

Associate Professor at Boston College,
Ph.D. of California Institute of Technology,
Dr. Tao Li is a talented scholar,
He was Jingle's first math instructor
at Oklahoma State University,
Dr. Li gives very clear
explanations of Linear Algebra,
and usually, he would draw some graphs
to showcase his topology skills
as an off topic treat.

Missy Storm said...

Emma Watson: The Unreachable Princess to Harry Potter
Missy Storm!/2012/03/emma-watson-unreachable-princess-to.html

Jingle watched all of the Harry Potter
movies, love character acted by Emma Watson,
Latest time watching it, she seems falling
in love with Harry Potter, yet her emotions
for Harry's friend always block her
from moving on, so although she has spent
lots of time alone with Harry, they never
actually develop a relationship.

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